I'm a little tempted to become a US citizen just so I can vote for Biden

dorian gray said:
wow. i thought i was the only person in the world who cant stand rudy guiliani.

Some of my far left buddies back in college regularly referred to him as Adolf Giuliani...he had plenty of critics. He's one of the few Republicans I have any sort of respect for (mostly for NYC's economic recovery and not looking chickenshit following 9/11), but I would never consider voting for him.
he would have to change his name in order to win ... no man named "Giulliani" will ever run this country
lurch70 said:
he would have to change his name in order to win ... no man named "Giulliani" will ever run this country
A Catholic?! As President!??!?! :loco:


My will-I-see-it-before-I-die thing is either a black or woman president. If Bush gets his approval rating up Condilicious could do it, and while I don't like her, would at least be sorta rad.