I'm a little tempted to become a US citizen just so I can vote for Biden


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Just a great, stand up character. Articulate, well-read, and actually puts some good ideas into his platform.


Oh and he's probably got the best / only resolution to Iraq at this point. At first I thought it was lunacy, only because the region could turn into another Israel with some form of appartheid running rampant, or even a massive square "carve up" dissection a la Africa fuck up, but the analogy with Bosnia has me thinking now....

Here's an excerpt,

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The first is to establish three largely autonomous regions with a viable central government in Baghdad. The Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite regions would each be responsible for their own domestic laws, administration and internal security. The central government would control border defense, foreign affairs and oil revenues. Baghdad would become a federal zone, while densely populated areas of mixed populations would receive both multisectarian and international police protection.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Decentralization is hardly as radical as it may seem: the Iraqi Constitution, in fact, already provides for a federal structure and a procedure for provinces to combine into regional governments.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Besides, things are already heading toward partition: increasingly, each community supports federalism, if only as a last resort. The Sunnis, who until recently believed they would retake power in Iraq, are beginning to recognize that they won't and don't want to live in a Shiite-controlled, highly centralized state with laws enforced by sectarian militias. The Shiites know they can dominate the government, but they can't defeat a Sunni insurrection. The Kurds will not give up their 15-year-old autonomy.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Some will say moving toward strong regionalism would ignite sectarian cleansing. But that's exactly what is going on already, in ever-bigger waves. Others will argue that it would lead to partition. But a breakup is already under way. As it was in Bosnia, a strong federal system is a viable means to prevent both perils in Iraq. [/FONT]

I mean, what else have we got? I think this is the ONLY way to go to be honest. Surely even Republicans can't still be thinking that we "stay the course" blah blah.

Let's face facts -- we fucked Iraq and now we've got to regionalize it, no?
I'm considering jumping on the Nuke Everything campaign, just because it's a radical final solution that leaves no trace of error after it's all said and done with. I mean if Bush did press the button, nothing he could say or do would bring the mess back, so people wouldn't even bother. He could just stand there and say "oops!" and be done with it.

Nuke the whales?
Gotta nuke somethin!
I'd hear this guy out. Is this gent running in 08? Right now I'm putting my vote on either Rice or Guiliani. (If either choose to run) But I'm open minded to give Democrat scumbags a chance at a say. (If they have good ideas)
Republicans love the beaners (as a political body), they just don't like to admit it in public. So if that's the issue, go with the Demicrat. Personally I want to see Rice v. Clinton so it will force southern redneck right wing fucks to vote for a my pals. Oh man would that rule.
Yeah he's running for the next election race. I'm not a citizen so I can't choose between Republicans or Democrats, so the way I see it, I just want the best man for the job in the country that I choose to live in.

So I like the following from his profile:

Senator Biden has been instrumental in crafting virtually every major piece of crime legislation over the past two decades, including the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, also known as the Biden Crime Law, which dramatically increased funds spent on law enforcement

His work over the past 20 years has led to the end of federal control and the return to Delawareans of more than 1,180 acres of beach shoreline along the Delaware coast. In 2000, Biden’s decades-long efforts culminated with establishment of Delaware’s first and only National Wild and Scenic River -- the White Clay Creek Watershed

help Americans struggling to afford the rising costs of college tuition, Biden has been a staunch supporter of college aid and loan programs and has offered legislation to allow families to deduct up to $10,000 per year in higher education expenses on their annual income tax returns.

Jeebus H, if the US isn't going to hand out tuition fees like every other civilized country in the world, the least it can do is make it tax deductable.
Any person who speaks 5 languages isn't a "my pals". She's basically the pinnacle of african american achievement. And really the only woman I'd have the gall to vote for. Hilary on the other hand is an inept morally bankrupt liberal tart who I heard (this isnt confirmed), shared bukkake with Monica.

P.S I like your truthful liberal persuasion of "yea democrats will kick out the illegals". Yea fucking right. We'll all be speaking spanglish by 09.
NADatar said:
Personally I want to see Rice v. Clinton so it will force southern redneck right wing fucks to vote for a my pals. Oh man would that rule.

Haha, awesome. :lol:

Clinton would be ok because Slick Willy would be the First Man aka back in the white house.

The Clinton's will focus strongly on rebuilding the economy, back to where Bill had it in the first place. Man, you guys had SURPLUS $$ up to your eyeballs, and now you are in debt to places like Ethiopia and the $20 you lent to some pygmy headhunter in the bush. :loco:
Exactly, anyone who doesnt want the CLintons back in the white house is just dumb. Or they simply dont remember how AWESOME the US economy actually was. I guess people actually enjoy paying $3 a gallon for gas
I can't stand the bint. I'll move to canada. I'm sure any and all the candidates will lower the price of gas. Hell it would be stupid for them to not put it at the top of their campaign agenda. Nothing says votes and high approval ratings like money back in our wallets.

P.S I'd pay $5 a gallon if helped to pay for a 200 ft wall at the border.
I hear Giulliani is most likely running and has some insane financial support behind him ... I would vote for him ...
I seriously have no problem with "black people". If a person strives to better themselves they are a valuable member of society and the color line becomes non existant. It's not her fault she was born in a race that is comprised of a majority of murderer's, rapists, drug addicts, welfare schemers, and thieves.
Conspicuously Absent said:
the states must really suck then, cause up here, its mostly white people int hat category. Second place goes to natives.

oh here it is as well ... the blacks are the ones that make the 10 o'clock news ... the whites make it to an HBO Documentary ...
Conspicuously Absent said:
the states must really suck then, cause up here, its mostly white people int hat category. Second place goes to natives.

Yea but most canadian cities are 80% white. This isn't the case in the U.S where the percentage of blacks is about 20%, while being responsible for 70% of the crime.