I'm a little tempted to become a US citizen just so I can vote for Biden

no. first nations. The eskimos are up in nwt/yukon. They just get drunk and/or huff gas.

i'm talking mostly Nuu-cha-nulth and shit. the ones whose parents were molested by priests in residential schools and now are alcoholics and beat their children and continue a nice glorious cycle of squallor on the reserve, while beign given every opportunity.

Couple of my buddies are taking full advantage of the system to get away from it... free education!!! (completely, all expenses paid!)
i've been saying this is a better idea for a while now, and i'm sure a lot of other people have too. frankly i'm surprised nobody notable has suggested this before
stay the course. is that better?
the only other one i can remember is "read my lips: no new taxes"
lizard said:
Giuliani is a serial adulterer, thrice married, including once to a cousin. If I wanted a resident of Mayberry, I'd vote for Clinton.
all of this "America's mayor" makes me sick. he's "America's mayor" cause planes flew into the WTC? what a crock.

that maybe so, but personally i don't care about my politicians setting an example on how to lead my personal life as long as they kick ass dealing with more general quality of life issues that affect everyone.

the guy really pulled NY out of a rut while in office and then he was given 9/11 to deal with ... passed that with flying colors.

he is definetelly more a leader than Bush will ever be ... except he is not a typical "American" so he will never win a Presidential election.
lurch70 said:
the guy really pulled NY out of a rut while in office and then he was given 9/11 to deal with ... passed that with flying colors.
see, the problem I've got with "there was a disaster and he was steadfast." That doesn't mean anything other than he walked around looking determined during photo ops. I'll give him props for NYC tho.

lurch70 said:
that maybe so, but personally i don't care about my politicians setting an example on how to lead my personal life as long as they kick ass dealing with more general quality of life issues that affect everyone.
he's a hypocrite, trying to cozy up to the religious right. or maybe I'm wrong, many of them had first sexual experiences with relatives.

lurch70 said:
he is definetelly more a leader than Bush will ever be ...
a paper sack is a better leader.
see, the problem I've got with "there was a disaster and he was steadfast." That doesn't mean anything other than he walked around looking determined during photo ops. I'll give him props for NYC tho.

from what I saw during 9/11 and the short time after it, was that he showed genuine empathy and emotion towards all involved in the disaster. This is what NY needed at that time more than anything ... and he was always visible at countless funerals and gatherings months after it happened

the rebuilding and economic issues got resolved later, and really NY is the type of city that if once running like a well oiled machine ... it does not need much maintenance. I mean Bloomberg is all but invisible nowadays, and all seems to be working well ...
Quick :wave: to everyone here. Been pretty chaotic lately, but I finally got a cable interenet setup at my... cough.... folks place, LOL.

Looks like based on recent events, I may remain in the Philly area indefinitely. (I should get final word today to see if the house in Florida fell through or not).

But second and most importantly - JK, it would be an honor to have you as a countryman. You're the type of clear minded thinker that would make it a better place, even if only on a small scale.

lizard said:
Giuliani is a serial adulterer, thrice married, including once to a cousin. If I wanted a resident of Mayberry, I'd vote for Clinton.
all of this "America's mayor" makes me sick. he's "America's mayor" cause planes flew into the WTC? what a crock.
wow. i thought i was the only person in the world who cant stand rudy guiliani.
jaysus. that's twice i've agreed with you in ten minutes. maybe i'm moving to the left again.