I just Got Off THe Phone With Neil Turbin!!

Jun 2, 2002
Chicago area
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How Fuckin cool is that?..I was on his message board a few months ago, And asked him if there was any way i could get him to sign my S.O.M. 45. he said sure no prob. I gave him my phone number and he said he would give me a call when he was in my area..well here it is 3-4 months later..and he gives me a call..what a cool guy..we talked for a lil over a hour..about all kinds of shit, His new cd thats coming out next year, Anthrax new and old. and just music in general. he is a real cool guy, first class act. Real down to earth.. I know there are some of you who dident like Neil with anthrax, and thats fine.. But i think you should all Give his new cd a try when it comes out.. from what he was saying, he has alot of guest on his cd, and it sounds like it is gunna kick ass..so give it a try. cant be any worse then Beladonnaand hay you never know it could be the best cd we ever buy(With "We've Come For You All" Aside) That being said Neil is a real cool guy.. and i think its real cool he remembered me....laters everyone.......David aka Buddy Love Bomb
he has done some solo stuff, but good luck finding it..you can go to www.neilturbin.com to here some of his stuff after Anthrax.. He also said that the new Anthrax is fine, he said as long as thay are having fun and making musik for the right reasons, and not just as a job,more power to them.....
I dont mow about you fellas. I belive buddy. If he was gonna lie he would have said he tag teamed a slut with Toam Araya. While Roger Daltry jerked off and taped it.
Originally posted by dutchy

Cheers to all my Trax Buddies on this board!!!!!!!!

I'm in a good mood today cause Trax are playing Holland March 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm..well...I've always wanted to visit Holland...