Neil Turbin on a Limp tribute disc.


New Metal Member
Feb 14, 2002
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Hey all,

First off, I do not like Limp Bizkit. In fact, in an interview with the Melvins on some obscure Maine radio station my bud found on the net somewhere, they call 'em "Shrimp Basket". It's hilarious!

Anyway, I was at a cd store called Newbury Comics local to Boston area, and I was thumbing through the cover compilations/tributes section because you neverknow what forgotten hair band guys have been tossed together to do a tune and collect a check. However, there are some great cuts on some of these discs, obviously Anthrax included. In fact, most of the tributes and soundtracks I own I do because Anthrax or members of the band are on it. That said, I see a Shrimp Basket tribute, made me giggle, why anybody would pay tribute to their junk, but the sticker on the package said including members of this on and that one and Anthrax? It was Neil Turbin singing "Faith". Oh my GOD! Now, I'm a completist with my favorite band Anthrax, B-sides, rarities, have to have it all (guys, you're welcome) but not this one.

I haven't heard from Neil in as long as it's been since Fistful then bam, on a Shrimp Basket tribute, touted as a member of Anthrax. Wow, just thought I'd share my suprise with those who haden't seen or heard about it.


PS Why won't Fred admit he stold Billy and Evan's style, then smoothed it over for radio? Love Biohazard, the original, and only band who should play that way. Screw you Fred, DINK.
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
I guess they'll tribute anyone.

So where's mine???


Oh great Princess, how we love thee! We bow at your feet and beg your favor! We come bearing gifts of shiny new Anthrax cd's and John Bush in tight leather pants. Please accept these as a token of our appreciation for your continued mercy on us.
It's my understanding the song he did was a song LB covered, not one they wrote. Also, he is pretty desperate to get his name out and make some money. I'm not saying I would have done it, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it. He seemed pretty cool in his Sludge interview. Cut him some slack.
I heard about it a half year ago. It´s pretty gay. A kind of thrash metal legend pays tribute to the poseur spicegirlslike band Limp Dick... the song was originally written by Gayorge Michael I suppose...
I really do not have a problem with him doing it. It's just that you can find so many people who haven't done anything in years on one or more of the tons of tributes now out there, I just thought it was strange that he chose this one. I'm sure he's been contacted by other projects to be a part of in the new world of tribute albums, but I've never seen him on any other, and believe me, I search them a lot in the hopes of finding something Anthrax to be honest.

Speaking of finding one I never heard of before reading the list of players, I found a Metallica tribute a few months ago with Billy Milano singing Whiplash. No big deal, right, but Scott was playing guitar.

We may neve get Billy singing with Scott on guitar again after what fat boy said. If there's laundry, clean it at home, don't look like a fool airing it out in public. But that's another topic all it's own, so I'll stop!

This was a reply to jdelphi above, don't know why it ended up here.
BTW, on that Metallice Tribute was also Joey singing "Sad But True" and Scott played guitar on "Sanitarium", also a bunch of very interesting musicians (Dave Lombardo, Lemmy, Mikkey Dee, Gregg Bissonette, Tony Levin...), but who the hell played the lead in Whiplash? We all know Scott is not a lead guitarist and there is no one left included.
a tribute to limp bizkit and they have released 3 REAL studio albums. this new remix cd dont count. what the hell, how can anyone enjoy this teeny bopping music. LB sellout mother fuckers looking to make a dollar. I know that if you cant make money you cant live and make music and shit, but making music for the green and not the heart is totally fucking wrong, burn limp bizkit, burn. you dont deserve a tribute, sorry fucks.

Originally posted by thedarkestknight

PS Why won't Fred admit he stold Billy and Evan's style, then smoothed it over for radio? Love Biohazard, the original, and only band who should play that way. Screw you Fred, DINK.
:spin: [/B]

I couldn't have said it better myself.