I just got the new dutch guitarist magazine


Oct 19, 2002
the Netherlands
He i just got the new guitarist (dutch guitar-magazine) with a interview with marcel coenen! That's really cool! It's really a cool interview with good questions also about marcels gear. And also a very good answer on the so many times compare with dream theater! I also wanted to say that it's really cool that marcel and dennis are so much on the internet talking on forums with fans and everything!
Is there anyway that someone could post some excerpts from the interview for the non-dutchies Marcel fans? When I worked for a guitar magazine I tried to interview him, but the magazine stopped being edited a few months after I proposed that to my "boss", so I never got to do that.

Btw, Marcel, I've found a mistake in your website. Go to the instruction section and to the tablature of Childhood Facade. The last time at the end of the E-major section you play an E-minor arpeggio that leads to again into a minor tonality. That E-minor arpeggio (C-B-G-E if I'm not wrong) is not on the tab. :D Now, what do I win? :hotjump:
Hey Marcel, the lessons/licks on your site rule, they really provide me with progress in my playing. I am also very busy playing Race Against Time, quite hard as you will understand hehe.
I was just wondering. Would it be possible for you to transcribe the lick played at 3:10-3:13 in "Inner Alchemy". Would be awesome, that is stuff I'd like to play!!!