That's twice now. Is the Opeth board having a FYAD renaissance or something?Steve420 said:goatse
man, that sucks. but at least you didn't get told (as we did by Bush) that he was only going to give us a 2% payraise because to give us more "would hurt the war on terrorism."Novembers Paul said:This is a true story... Last years performance review for me, I was told I do exceptional work, but they were only going to give me 50% of what my increase would have been because they felt I'm not enough of a "team" player, because I "didn't attend the company picnic."
I hate my job.
Nothing to do with the Opeth board... I just postthere on Off TOpic, rarely on teh on topic forum...Stultus said:That's twice now. Is the Opeth board having a FYAD renaissance or something?