i just emailed my department my letter of resignation


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
pretty much.

Hello all,

I have pretty much confirmed that, following my one-day-per-week pre-practicum experience that's going on right now, I will be participating in a five-days-a-week practicum experience beginning on (most likely) January 19th, 2005. This is the last stretch for me to get my degree (May 2005 graduation, if all goes well).

The practicum experience is a lot more grueling than the pre-practicum, and requires a commitment of a full-time work-week. Hence, I will not be able to continue my full-time duties at BC during that time period.

I am unsure what the department's needs are going to be during that time, but if I can be of use in a part-time capacity (whether supplementing binding, cleaning up loose ends, training another staff member, etc.) I would like to try to arrange something along those lines. I know that two months is quite a ways off, but I wanted to let the department know about my plans as soon as I was reasonably sure of them myself so they could be incorporated into the changes we're going through in the near future.

Tomorrow (Tuesday 11/09) will be my last day here before I have a week off (returning 11/17), so there is plenty of time to work out details/logistics; those can even put put off until after our "big move" (Thanksgiving?) to 212 if there is too much going on.

Farewell; I will see you all in a week! (if not tomorrow!)

Alex D.