i just totally walked out of my job


toe much love!
Nov 16, 2002
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last week my temp job introduced a bad new element to my assignment -- handling smelly paint-fumey paper that gave me a headache. when i had to leave early last week with this problem, i told them that i would have to quit if there wasnt a change and i told the temp agency the same thing. the "compromise" they came up with was to have the guy who sits two feet away from me handle the smelly stuff -- you know, two feet away from my face. awesome. so this morning i walked out. bitches. boss lady was all "you know we cant give you a good recommendation." Recommend this, Asshole! (why is there no middle finger smilies?)
excellent choice greg! oh, guys about this job... is this irony or what? this dude who doesnt mind the paint fuminess has THE WORST B.O. EVER!!! holy crap. i tolerated that, because, while it was rather like working in a field of rotten onions, at least it was ORGANIC. WTF?!

quitting stuff rules. this feels almost as good as breaking up with someone. maybe better, since theres no dirty, regret type feelings. i just feel RIGHT.
i was supposed to be at work like 30 minutes ago, but I realized I have no clean underwear so I'm sitting in front of the computer naked, waiting for my boxers to finish the dry cycle.