I just love crazy lyricists


Division Vocalist
Feb 20, 2004
Yes, I love the little groove queen named Poe. She's still fighting for rights with her label, so she hasn't put anything out since Haunted (except vox on a few Conjure One tracks). Here's the lyrics to one of her unreleased tracks that I have on bootleg. It's just damn insane...which is right up my alley.

How Long

I can hear the tick of the clock,Too close to my head.
It's giving me a headache,To think of all,
Of all the tick tocks,I've ever heard,
Only one second counted Now didn't it,
Once long ago.

It was like an atom bomb went off in my house,
And everybody left.
I wish I were a superhero like the X-Men in the comics,
'Cause maybe then I could've withstood the blast.
Oh but I shattered like an ordinary sheet of glass,
And there's not enough superglue in the world.

How long...how long...how long till I feel whole again
How long...how long...how long till I feel whole again.

Oh I wish I were just like the T1000 in Terminator 2,
'Cause he could melt back together again,
Even after Schwartznegger blew him to bits.
Yeah he was mean, but he knew exactly who he was.
Oh, and incidentally, so did that guy, Kiser Soze,
In Usual Suspects, but he had to blow his whole family away.

How long...how long...how long till I feel whole again
How long...how long...how long till I feel whole again.

I wish I could lie,I wish I didn't care,
I wish I could like just like that guy.
I wish I could lie,I wish I didn't care,
I wish I could like just like that guy.
I wish I could lie, I wish I didn't care,
I wish I could like just like that guy.

I can hear the tick of that clock, Still close to my head
Maybe if I couldn't hear the seconds pass,
I wouldn't have to ask:

How long...how long...how long till I feel whole again
How long...how long...how long till I feel whole again?
Rob Zombie is right up there too...here's one from his latest called The Scorpion Sleeps (one of my favorite tunes off the album - it's got a great groove). This is how it appears in the liner notes...I'm not breaking it down by verse/chorus/whatever.

Yeah alright - said it's alright - yeah alright

Midnight candy, four cups of coffee. I ate my
breakfast with a side of eggs. I saw
something in the jungle. Low in gear, black
mud on my legs. She was something stretch
before me. Her arms into wings into pillbox
heads. Can the sideshow. Wherever you go.
Two naked figures in my breath.

Can you see it? If you feel it. The scorpion
sleeps right in my hand. A poison dealer, an
evil wheeler. How can I make you

A blue light shindig. Well, I'm addicted.
Killing black kettle is what they saw. I feel
like something in the congo. Dead were the
women not the warriors. Last great
roadshow. A canvas tilt go. Arms into wings
into pillbox heads. Creep the high-go and
keep the down low into the mind of a melting

Can you see it? If you feel it. The scorpion
sleeps right in my hand. A poison dealer, and
evil wheeler. How can I make you
