I just received my Zed R-16!


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
Hey friends!

I just got my Allen & Heath Zed R-16! Grabbed on the used market in really really mint condition, used a couple of time (only the manual is missing).

As it's my very first desk - working in recording realm for about 3 years, ITB exclusively and pretty noob about technical side of gear I must admit - I'll have to learn a lot to get familiar with it and this is pretty exciting! (mixing side is still blurry) On this point, if you guys have advices or tips with this desk or analog desks in general, then they're welcome :)

I'd like to thank you dear Sneapers for sharing your experiences with the Zed R16, it helped a lot before my purchase.

Anyway, I can't wait to work on it when I have free time and I'll post some clips in the future for sure!

All the best!
Totally love mine.
The eq will amaze you. The high and low shelf are a different league to plugins.
Make sure you gain stage properly. Pfl each channel and set levels at the top of green on the meter and keep the master in the green too.
If you need help or clarification on anything just post and i will help if i can.
Welcome to the club! Great little desk and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's pretty simple to use really, and the manual is helpful for explaining how to use the send/return buttons for recording pre/post insert, mixing using the inserts etc.

Really wish I could figure out setting it up as a Pro Tools controller though. Need to have another crack at that soon.
Hey thank you mate :)

Yeah, I read many comments about PT controlling. Seems a bit tricky. Argh too bad I have no free time at all at the moment to set it up and start working on it but I will next month... Can't wait!!