i just scored...

I have been digging this finnish chocolate out here. But ya know, Is it just me or have I had trouble finding reeses cups out here? Milky way, easy to find, they have mars bars, and some other normal stuff...but some stuff seems to be missing...

Next year if I still look 10 years younger i am wearing a mask and gong trick or treating if I visit the US then. No one will know my real age. :D
yeah, i know how it is. ive only puked from drinking once. but there was this time when i was convinced i could drink a jug of iced tea in about ten seconds..welli got 3/4's of the way then i knew i was going to puke if i had one more sip. so i didnt. but i should have because i would ahve felt better if i had of puked.
man how long ahve we been on this board for, i can safely say since about 10:30 and its now almost 7:45 fuck. I hate suburbia and I am fucking wired because i just drank a shitload of tea. fuck.
'I Pulled a Fenrir' he said...have I set the standard to booze consumption on this board? :lol:

I got some sleep last night, but decided to hop back on when i woke this afternoon. I have a few things I gotta do later, before I gotta shower, head to work, do 3 hours, run to Dissection, then come back to the bar to DJ the afterparty. Whew.
seeing as i had nothing to do all night i read many threads on this board. and after reading yours about helsinki, it just makes me want to go to finland more, but even though im going to europe in the new year i cant go because i promised a friend id go with her, so itll be a while till i eventually get there.
Ahh, it's so great here. Hell, like I said in the thread i'll be living here permanently soon. Of course when that happens anyone I get to know from the board has a place to crash at. More money for the booze and other fun stuff here. I am so glad I went.
i want to get out of canada, the music scene here is garbage. music is life so. yeah well. and its so hard to try to start anything remotely interesting here unless its indie rock or emocore. fuck.
When I visit the states again, maybe I'll visit Canada just to have some drinks :D

You'll be going under the table pretty quick tho, guarenteed. Gotta go to Finland and build up the tolerance ;)

And hwere I lived in Philly, most of the music scene was indie rock or emocore as well. Gah.
Fenrir13 said:
When I visit the states again, maybe I'll visit Canada just to have some drinks :D

You'll be going under the table pretty quick tho, guarenteed. Gotta go to Finland and build up the tolerance ;)

And hwere I lived in Philly, most of the music scene was indie rock or emocore as well. Gah.
yeah im sure u could outdrink me... its not too hard :O
I forgot to mention a shitload of fucking shitty punk music, fucking shitty being the understatement of the century.
Oh yeah, I mean, I like punk, but not the 'punk' that seems to be out nowadays. Nice now playing choice btw. Rust In Peace-one of the best albums of tne 90s. I remember getting it when i was 12.

Don't worry Abrasive, we can stick to beer, i won't make you do shots :D