I just suck at making verses, need some help


Anssi Tenhunen
So, I just realized that I had a few ok choruses in stock, but I had a major problem with verses. Tried like 11 different things, but nothing just worked, so I ended up with a song that has an intro, 5 different parts that I intended as choruses stitched together and an outro :Smug:

The song itself sounds pretty cool (atleast in my opinion, if someone wants to hear the semi-sloppily played instrumental demo version of the song, it's here), but since making good choruses in my opinion is a lot harder than making verses, it just seems like a waste of potential to use them on a single song versus in five different songs.

What should I do? Should I keep the song as is or should I separate the different parts into different songs?
Have the same problem, always inventing choruses and never inventing verses.
I usually start with a chorus and then try to jam on a verse somehow and that becomes the song.
The resulting song does not sound cohesive or flowing so I don't know the solution yet.
Well, listened to it and it sounds like one mediocre chorus after another one.

A good trick for verses is just to leave drums, bass and vocals, with some subtle guitars noodling on the second part of the verse :rolleyes:
the part at 3:36 would make a great bridge section, or for after a 2nd verse instead of going directly into a chorus and then repeating somewhere later under a solo spot

really it all comes down to what the vocal melodies would be, thats what is gonna propel your tune in the right direction

some really nice riffs in there man. You should start messing around with alternative arrangements, might get you out of the rut you're stuck in with this tune
Hey man, I can see what you mean. Being stuck in a rut reflects a lot in what you're playing too. It's not a terrible song by any means, but I'm not excited by it. The verses/chorus' seem to run together without much distinction. It could be reworked.

I have the same problem. I just keep working until I've got a riff over a verse. Takes time, but if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!

Good luck :D Oh, just hit the end bit... this is pretty cool :)
Hey man, I can see what you mean. Being stuck in a rut reflects a lot in what you're playing too. It's not a terrible song by any means, but I'm not excited by it. The verses/chorus' seem to run together without much distinction. It could be reworked.

Yeah, it's still the first revision and work in progress. If you compare one of my older songs from the first and current revisions, the difference is pretty big eventho the lenght is exactly the same :)

some really nice riffs in there man. You should start messing around with alternative arrangements, might get you out of the rut you're stuck in with this tune

Yeah, I most likely will try to add a part that sounds more like a verse and possibly take something off. The structure currently is B (half) A, B, A, B, C, B, B, D

About the vocals: Since I ain't a singer, I can't make a vocal demo for the song as it would propably just make it sound more shitty than it is.