I just want to let people know about Cdinzane!

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Metal Is Power!
Oct 15, 2005
I have worked in the radio business for 15 years. I have hosted a Metal show on a station in the tri-state area for 3 years I have done business with Cdinzane for the past 3 years. Within those 3 years I have never had problems until now. I called Cdinzane to enquire about misleading information on the Beyond Twilight description. The add clearly implies that Jorn Lande and Yngwie are both in this band. I ordered it and discovered that this is not the case. I did not want my money back, just an exchange. The conversation I had with the guy was the most unprofessional and rude experience I have ever had with any record store person in my entire career. Being in the radio business, people have used the F word during a segment on my show many times, most of the time it was called for. In this instance it was not and I did nothing to instigate that kind of behavior. In the end the guy basically told me to take my business somewhere else. From this point forward I will do everything I can on my show and every web site I post on to make sure that as many people as possible do take their business somewhere else. Just in case Cdinzane hasn't noticed, the metal music business is not a corner post for our economy. There is very small market in this country for metal, which is growing. However, cd shops who treat their costumers with such a lack of respect, in my opinion, should not be in business.
Thanks for listning, ROCK ON!

See you at P/P VII :headbang:
I agree!!! However, those two together would be very good. I own all most all Jorn projects and am very excited about seeing him.
Well sucks that you were treated that way. I use cdinzane all the time, and Ive never had an issue. I take it this is the disc in question:


Yes, that disc had Jorn Lande as the vocalist. It does imply that Jorn has been in both Ark, and Yngwie's band.....this is true. I do not read it as Yngwie is on this disc. The writeup seems fine to me, you just misread it.
I did misread it and thats my own fault. However to be treated like a piece of trash by those people is just totaly uncalled for.
I feel your pain... however, being in the music business for as many years as you have, you should know better than to try to return opened cds to a store. You open it, it's yours, per copyright laws. And it's not his fault that you read the ad wrong; you could have done some more research if you weren't sure it was what you wanted.
I've slowed down a lot on CDInzane lately. Their shipping times have just gotten crazy - used to get them in 3 days, now sometimes closer to two weeks.

Last order they said my order was packed and ready to be shipped - but was not shipped in the mail until 5 days later.

Plus, their prices are a lot higher than other vendors *TER, etc*; they take so many preorders that when they finally get them in stock - it takes forever to get it because they have to pack them all *NOTE- EDGUY Rocket Ride*; they charge shipping in addition to their higher prices; as some have noticed - their prices flucuate a lot; and I don't always like how they write desciptions saying "CDINZANE IS THE ONLY PLACE TO GET THIS!!!!!!"

I'll still use them, but really - their shipping time and their prices just are becoming too much for me right now, so I goto other vendors.

I think I know the guy you're talking about - Zane - but he's always been cool to me, so I don't know. This isn't the first time I've heard of him telling people to take their business elsewhere though. *shrugs*
Nightmare1z said:
they charge shipping

Maybe I'm missing something here but doesn't almost every single internet company charge shipping?

I've never had any issues with CDInzane, in fact they were the only ones to carry Freak Kitchen's Organic at a reasonable price AND I got it way before I thought I would.

So there's my two cents. Keep the change.

booB said:
I feel your pain... however, being in the music business for as many years as you have, you should know better than to try to return opened cds to a store. You open it, it's yours, per copyright laws. And it's not his fault that you read the ad wrong; you could have done some more research if you weren't sure it was what you wanted.

It all depends on who you are dealing with and the reason why you might want to return the disc. I for one will never deal with CD Inzane again as I had a bad experience years ago. Professionalism goes a long way, especially in a tight knit industry such as this one.

My recommendation is Ken Golden at Laser's Edge. I have been dealing with him for years, and never had a single problem. Reasonable prices, quick shipping, doesn't proclaim to be the only vendor on the face of the earth to carry ceratin products, personal and honest reviews ( i have yet to see any other vendor flat out right that a disc they were selling was mediocre at best), reliable, and dependable.

Get your shit at lasercd.com if you want a hassle free experience without any of the bullshit you might encounter elsewhere. And no, I am not getting anything out of this by prasing Laser's Edge; it is just my honest opinion. I don't have time for sites that try and be vague and play games with regard to in stock items vs. out of stock, fluctuating prices based on demand, etc...
booB said:
I feel your pain... however, being in the music business for as many years as you have, you should know better than to try to return opened cds to a store. You open it, it's yours, per copyright laws. And it's not his fault that you read the ad wrong; you could have done some more research if you weren't sure it was what you wanted.

It's not the fact that I couldn't exchange. I totaly understand where he is comming from. The problem I have is how belligerent he got with me over the phone for asking a simple question.

Nightwish58, thanks for the info.

And by the way, 90% of the music we buy can be bought directly from the artist lables and most of the time it's cheaper than buying retail and some charge no shipping. However, I use shops like Laser's Edge and Dream Disc for convience, have everything on one order.
I quit doing business with them last year after I spent $55 on CD's and they never shipped them. Then they acted like jerks about the whole thing. I'd never recommend them to anyone.
MetalRose said:
Maybe I'm missing something here but doesn't almost every single internet company charge shipping?

I've never had any issues with CDInzane, in fact they were the only ones to carry Freak Kitchen's Organic at a reasonable price AND I got it way before I thought I would.

So there's my two cents. Keep the change.


Example more being The End Records. They charge no shipping and I receive the CD's faster then CDInzane. Plus their costs for CD's are relatively cheaper than CDInzane.

Hence the comparison of higher priced CD's at CDInzane, yet still pay shipping. If it was TER charging more for CD's but with free shipping - it would make sense.
Some people are just poor business men. While I am not of the mindset that the customer is always right, I do believe they should always be given the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the original poster did mis-read the description, but it is understandable the way it was written.

My point is that the customer is your bread and butter; without them, you don't survive. Apparently Mr. Zane has pissed off more than just one person. For god's sake, work with the customer even if you feel you are 100% right. The last thing you want to do is disrespect the people that put food on your family's table. i will never understand the way certain people go about things...
Ok...the original poster has had his say and made his point. I do not want a simple bash CD Inzane thread. Zane can reply in another thread if he wishes, but this thread is closed.

Glenn H.
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