I know In Flames must worship Korn musically....

You don't like JP?

The Moonspell singer kept name dropping having toured w/ In Flames repeatedly when they played the Pearl (Necklace) Room with Katatonia.

I think In Flames also opened for Earth Crisis at House of Blues way back when, and then a couple years later, played with Nevermore and Shadows Fall at Riley's Rock House.

I was going to go and see In Flames at that Earth Crisis show. I worked 2 blocks from thier and was going to go on my lunch break but decided not too at the last minute.
You don't like JP?

The Moonspell singer kept name dropping having toured w/ In Flames repeatedly when they played the Pearl (Necklace) Room with Katatonia.

I think In Flames also opened for Earth Crisis at House of Blues way back when, and then a couple years later, played with Nevermore and Shadows Fall at Riley's Rock House.


I was at that Earth Crisis show. Worst experience ever. In Flames literally played like 15-20 minutes and were then told to end their set. Anders was notably pissed and seriously 75% of the crowd left after that, myself included. Be glad you didn't go Diabolik!

I was also at Riley's. That was probably the most packed show I had ever been to. You literally could not move. Thank goodness a fire never broke out at that place because code was constantly broken there.
I was also at Riley's. That was probably the most packed show I had ever been to. You literally could not move. Thank goodness a fire never broke out at that place because code was constantly broken there.

Yeah, Manowar / Immortal (shut the f*ck up Jose - I am done discussing this show with you!! :lol:) had to have been close. You couldn't move.

Bob - I remember you wanting to go. I had not ever heard In Flames at that time though. I think I have the flyer somewhere.
Indeed, I've had conversations about that show(IE, IF and JP) with many peeps. Though, I never was and never will be a fan of Panzer. :yuk:

Did anyone ever see In Flames at the Knights of Columbus in Arlington Heights, IL? That's another one that brings back memories. Moonspell was on that bill as well. I forget who else. Freaking amazing to see those bands in such a shitty little place.

I was at that show. That was with Avernus and I believe Through Ashes was the name of the other one. Their singer later became the singer for Enforsaken
That's a band I hadn't thought about for a while.
That band had some potential, esp for how young they were.
Any of those guys doing anything these days?
You don't like JP?

The Moonspell singer kept name dropping having toured w/ In Flames repeatedly when they played the Pearl (Necklace) Room with Katatonia.

I think In Flames also opened for Earth Crisis at House of Blues way back when, and then a couple years later, played with Nevermore and Shadows Fall at Riley's Rock House.

I was at the Riley's show, that was the first time I saw Nevermore AND In Flames, what a great show that was man.
Did anyone ever see In Flames at the Knights of Columbus in Arlington Heights, IL? That's another one that brings back memories. Moonspell was on that bill as well. I forget who else. Freaking amazing to see those bands in such a shitty little place.

That was In Flames first ever US tour & that show kicked ass!!! :kickass:

It was packed & hot as fuck as I remember. Also, that was the first Euro melo-death tour that paved the way for everyone else. After that is when you started seeing Arch Enemy & more euro bands coming here...quite special actually & In Flames deserves tons of credit for that, IMO. :kickass:
That was In Flames first ever US tour & that show kicked ass!!! :kickass:

It was packed & hot as fuck as I remember. Also, that was the first Euro melo-death tour that paved the way for everyone else. After that is when you started seeing Arch Enemy & more euro bands coming here...quite special actually & In Flames deserves tons of credit for that, IMO. :kickass:

I totally agree. In Flames were the risk takers here. Without them touring a bunch in the states, I doubt we would have seen lots of the stuff we have. They did kind of open a bunch of doors.
I think that's why it's hard to see how they have fallen from grace.
I guess it makes sense, considering they spent more time in the states than Sweden the past few years.
Just too mad they picked up musically from the metalcore garbage.

In Flames showcased TONS of talent. Shame to see it abandoned for rapped lyrics and "chugga chugga" riffing.

I think In Flames first US show ever was Milwaukee Metalfest 1999.
(They played on Friday, though I was only there on Sat that year, where Koshick advertised that Manowar were headling :lol:)
I think that's why it's hard to see how they have fallen from grace.
I guess it makes sense, considering they spent more time in the states than Sweden the past few years.
Just too mad they picked up musically from the metalcore garbage.

In Flames showcased TONS of talent. Shame to see it abandoned for rapped lyrics and "chugga chugga" riffing.

I think In Flames first US show ever was Milwaukee Metalfest 1999.
(They played on Friday, though I was only there on Sat that year, where Koshick advertised that Manowar were headling :lol:)

i wonder if Manowar was going to play for 3 hours or just the standard 15 minutes at Metalfest.
The only thing worse than this album cover is the music that will be contained with in. I heard one of those new songs (what can I say, I long to hear another TJR) and it gave me the shits for a week.
They just revealed the cover for the full-length.
Also very KORN like. Not even going to bother posting it here. Definitely done by the same artist who did the single.
it is funny that people even bother to even discuss what is wrong with In Flames. To me, they are non-existent. Like most bands that pull this, with changing thier sound to get more fans and become more commercial, once that trend dies, they try to release a disc more like what they used to sound like, fanboys all go nuts, the fans embrace them back.
I won't even bother discussing them musically anymore.
The last one of theirs I purchased new was Soundtrack.
That had like maybe 3 standout tracks, if even.

The last one I picked up used when I was trading in a pile of stuff at Reckless. I think it stayed in my collection for a couple weeks before I traded it in to another Used CD store.

The whole KORN-style artwork is just SO blatant with the new release, it had to be discussed.
In Flames played in Arlington Heights? Hah. I remember going to that Knights of Columbus (one across from the park right, near the lumber yard?), to see local punk shows (ahhh good times). That would have been an awesome show. Too bad they probably did it when I wasn't living in AH too much (while at college or whatnot).

Okay I'm going to say... that without knowing this is similar to a KoRn cover... I like the cover. Its artsy. Kind of reminds me of old prog/psychadlic rock. I also get this thing of this demon like creature looking into the mirror and seeing its true self which is some sad decrepid indie rock dude. Kind of cool the more you think about it.

I'll definitely check out the album. I like everything In Flames has done, though obviously some albums more than others. The first album was probably my favorite, then Colony.
In Flames played in Arlington Heights? Hah. I remember going to that Knights of Columbus (one across from the park right, near the lumber yard?), to see local punk shows (ahhh good times). That would have been an awesome show. Too bad they probably did it when I wasn't living in AH too much (while at college or whatnot).

I was only there once for a punk show also....
I think it was Boris the Sprinkler / FYP / The Riverdales

Cool little place from what I remember.