I know there's a very good reason why there are few winter fests in the north...


Jan 10, 2002
Madison, WI
I just want it beaten into me...

You would never travel to, say, the midwest for a festival during the winter, right? Obviously, this does not apply to the Heathen Crusade contingent here. :)

Next question... For those who go to a lot of concerts, do you notice a general drop in attendance at local shows during the winter? Again, I only want answers from those who live in areas that actually experience a winter, not a ten degree drop in temperature with perhaps an occasional rainy day.

Actually, I think there are more ppl who go to shows in the winter. There are so many more options (especially around Chicago) for people to do stuff (entertainment, etc) outside during the summer, than in the winter. I see way more ppl at show in the winter than during the summer...especially since most venues get pretty toasty when a good number of people attend.

Just my observation...

And for the Heathen Crusade...it's only appropriate to have it in the winter...when everything is dead & withered...ooooh ahhhh...scary metal... :lol:
Actually, I think there are more ppl who go to shows in the winter. There are so many more options (especially around Chicago) for people to do stuff (entertainment, etc) outside during the summer, than in the winter. I see way more ppl at show in the winter than during the summer...especially since most venues get pretty toasty when a good number of people attend.

Thanks, Rob. Of course, the problem is getting a good number of people to attend. :lol: At least a winter show seems like an option.
I find that I need a lot more convincing to go anywhere during the winter. Not that I ever go to local shows in Cleveland, because the scene here is beyond suckage... but it's easier to get me out of the house if it's not 10 degrees and icy out.
Personally, I look forward to shows & going out in the winter to cure that little bit of cabin fever that I start feeling.

Although, I guess I've been feeling more cabin fever this winter since I've been working from home a bit more than usual. If I had to bear the cold & snow going to/from work every day, then I may not be as willing to go out...hmmmm...however, a cool show is a cool show...unless there's a blizzard of course...which is why I missed Meshuggah the last time they came through.
I just moved from Michigan, where I hosted a good number of shows and attended plenty more. Attendance is always up in the wintertime. I'm pretty sure it has to do with people not wanting to "hibernate" when they could be out with their friends at a show, jacking up someone else's heat bill.

Here in Texas, everyone has top-notch A/C because the summer heat is severe, whereas up north it seems more venues have top-notch heat since the winters are the extreme season in that region. Of course I've been cold in Michigan venues, but not very often. More times than not, I'm very comfortably warm AND get to enjoy being out.

So if you can brave the weather long enough to brush off your car and drive to the venue, you can have a pretty good time in the middle of the winter.
Wait, you said "Fests" not just "shows" ... my bad, I think you're right for attendance of festivals in the wintertime since many will try to draw from outside the local crowd. I was thinking along the lines of home-town shows with the regulars :)

*Puts on glasses and learns how to read*
I dont think weather is an issue. I think it boils down to who is playing and what else is going on at the time. Everyone was saying that the Blind Guardian show on Thanksgiving was going to be empty. It was sold out.

Sure weather may detour some people. If it is a band I really want to see. I will go. I am still mad at myself for missing mago De Oz last November a block from my apartment. I just got a new computer that day, I was off work, and very lazy all day and just couldnt get off my ass to walk over.