I Love You All!! Xoxoxox


Heyoka watching Trona
Sep 18, 2003
directly under Ben
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Just a quick shout out to those very cool turkeys who have been
rooting for me for so long! knowing that you guys are so happy
for me makes me realize how lucky ! am to know people like
yourselves.:D *I'm swooning now just contemplating it* i
appreciate YOU. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!. Mwwhuuaaaa!
*smooches!*know that there is always a little desert GAL who
wants nothing but the best for all of you! XOXOXOX

Love to you ALL!
for my friends, All you lovelies, PLEASE do not read too much into this. *sniff, sniff, sniff :( * Rest assured that i AM happy to be with you ALL, to have you all in my life to serve my ego, and i am a better person for knowing EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!. and please! don't worry about me and my moodiness, (I know you think about it ALL the TIME), because somehow, i always make it out on top, I am WOMAN! i suppose it's just a time of reflection for me.*downcast eyes*.......THE THINGS I HAVE SEEN!, LOVE THAT I HAVE KNOWN!, a sense permanence that I LONG FOR! *sigh!* right now i am drifting. a tumbleweed of sorts. *boohoohoo, snort!* i know bliss, albeit temporary, and i am yearning for it!

i want things to be simple. Yes, I'm simple. I SAID IT! It's true.
*sigh of relief*

I thought it was Ben posting with your nick.

NO person has ever seen my diary (besides me of course, hehe), that's the only thing maybe that's a perfect secret.