A socially kinda thing. I love you UM.

I only act like an asshole elitist around my friend Cody because we've become the kind of friends who like to insult each other. But with everyone else I take the passive approach.
Just curious do all those bands really sound that bad to you guys? I mean I don't care for them that much, and definitely won't find them on my iPod, but I much rather listen to that than pop, rap, or modern rock.

I'd still head bang or mosh to them at a concert. I dunno, for me all metal sounds pretty good, just the more mainstreamed stuff is a bit more bland and not something I would listen to on my own time, when I've got loads of more interesting stuff to go through.
I try to be the second type. Usually when I'm talking to people who rave about Nile or whatever I just say "yeah, they're alright, but you know who are REALLY good..."
That's the spirit. I guess I'm the latter type then, an elitist in denial, haha.
I'm the picky type though, as some of the stuff that's considered elite is primitive, rudimentary trash anyway.
If my friends put something on I don't like I put my headphones on. They then ask why, and I say "Because I don't like your music"!
I never tell my friends the music they listen to sucks, I just say "never got into that kinda stuff". I mean Modest Mouse. :zombie:. I just can't stand them, they are so bland, they're like the musical equivelant of eating flour.
Being elitist is often the only way to deal with people with shitty tastes.

Now I wouldn't act elitist to someone who didn't like Metal, or someone who just listened to lighter Metal. But people who think Metalcore is the height of musicial ability need to be taught the error of their ways.

And I always get very irritated when I meet people who 'used to listen to Metal'. It just screams 'I'm a trend follower without any personal tastes' and it makes me annoyed, especially if they imply that I'll 'grow out of' listening to Metal.

Especially considering the bands they claimed to of listened to were all shit.

If my friends put something on I don't like I put my headphones on. They then ask why, and I say "Because I don't like your music"!

I get this all the time from people. They don't seem to understand that I'm not being anti-social, I just can't fucking stand U2. I'm sure they wouldn't be very amused if I played Cannibal Corpse loudly all the time and forced them to listen to it.

But unlike them I have a sense of decency. Whenever they come over my house I generally don't play music, and if I do I keep it low so only I can really hear it. And they still bitch and moan.
I don't easily tell my friends or to people what type of music i listen to, i just say "You don't like this type of music" and let them figure it out.

But i am quite impressed how my taste has changed since the beginning i joined this forum and up till now. I also want to thank UM, especially GMD, for shaping my music taste.
But unlike them I have a sense of decency. Whenever they come over my house I generally don't play music, and if I do I keep it low so only I can really hear it. And they still bitch and moan.

I hate that, there are two guys who are down in the lobby of where I live everyday playing crappy hip-hop, and it goes right through my headphones(when I'm not listening to metal). Pisses me off because thats where I go to relax, and I swear they spend all day down there.

I keep having the urge to blast some death metal real loud, but then I remember that, that would be immature as fuck, and people would probably gang up on me since my music less popular.
I keep my music taste to the down low. I dont dress metal or whatever. I dont make people listen to my music. Nor should you.
I keep my music taste to the down low. I dont dress metal or whatever. I dont make people listen to my music. Nor should you.

Eh, I wear the occasional band shirt but usually I just dress comfortably (wind pants, hoody etc).

Though I never hesitate to expose people to metal. In fact tomorrow I am bring in a Symphony X song to my music appriec class.