How has UM changed you?

To each his own. I find downloading and buying equal amounts to be the most conducive to helping the scene as well as discovering new things and thus new ways to help the scene. Though recently I've been buying things based on how bands' Myspaces sound much more than download then buy.
Thing for me is I know if I keep downloading I'll never buy because there's too much stuff to buy. I also absolutely love buying something and anticipating it, wondering how it'll sound and stuff, and then listening to it.
Also, I'd spend all my time in my room listening to new brutal death albums.

Not downloading isn't so much a principled stand as a way to control myself.
Thing for me is I know if I keep downloading I'll never buy because there's too much stuff to buy. I also absolutely love buying something and anticipating it, wondering how it'll sound and stuff, and then listening to it.
Also, I'd spend all my time in my room listening to new brutal death albums.

Not downloading isn't so much a principled stand as a way to control myself.
I have to pace myself with downloads. I'll download say, 3 band discographies (Unless they're gargantuan like Rush), and not dl anything else until I fully absorb that stuff.
ultimate metal made slayer pop back into my top 5 favorite bands due to the various thrash arguments of slayer (usually me) vs. other ones i don't care about (everybody else) :lol:

ultimate metal hasn't gotten me into any new bands, it just made me stick to my guns (death, slayer, mayhem, bloodbath, and... either meshuggah or emperor)
My personality, music taste, posting style and most other things haven't changed drastically since I joined this site. I mean, I did find a few new bands, but I'm always finding new music. However, I did meet a few people who I talk to on a regular basis, so I guess it changed my social life.
I like a few bands I didn't before but I've found way more from nolifetilmetal reviews and though youtube hopping.
I mean, when someone comes up missing something like CF you need to stop and check that all the other essentials are there.
CF is probably the least essential of all those bands, tbh.

Except for maybe Megadeth. I still haven't quite figured out why so many people give a fuck about them.