How has UM changed you?


Sep 7, 2007
Maybe this should go in GMD. Anyhow, I found my first post (I think):

Can anyone recommend a good extreme metal band that isn't totally ridiculous?

I want mildly extreme voxx (The Black Dahlia Murder sorta thing), with responsible use of double bass and blast beats (rather than just constant double bass and blast beats for the whole album), heavy guitar riffs (fast or slow, but fuckin' heavy), melody is a plus, and overall, thrash-y. Don't care about speed (like it fast, like it slow). Vocals can be either high (like Anders Friden (In Flames):worship: or Johan Hegg's (Amon Amarth):headbang: higher stuff) or low (like the vocalist of Vader:kickass:, The Black Dahlia Murder, or Johan Hegg's lower stuff).

I don't mind violent lyrics or anything, but I prefer lyrics that aren't just slasher flick bullshit (NO CANNIBAL CORPSE!:zombie:), Satanic idiocy (NO DEICIDE!o_O), or all around assholery. Though a little Satan, little grotesquery, or a little bullshit is fine. And NO EMO SHIT! :cry:TRIVIUM SUCK!:cry:

I think there are other people out there who would also love to hear something along these lines. I would recommend Burn To Black and Dew-Scented (check out Issue IV) but don't know much terms of thrash, I know Slayer, Exodus, and Kreator (although that's not quite what I'm looking for). Please, if you find something, post it up here.

Clearly I've gotten better at metal since then; in that thread I believe I rejected Lykathea Aflame, Incantation, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Behemoth, and many others as crap. Now I love all those bands plus stuff like Wormed and Devourment. There's really no death metal too brutal for me. I've still yet to penetrate doom metal and the outer reaches of black metal, but I'm getting there.

I also don't use as many fucking annoying smilies, usually only this one :kickass:, which is so awesome that it doesn't matter.

How about you guys? This is mostly for long-term posters or people who's tastes have changed since finding UM.
I went from typing like a total idiot to becoming decent. I went from only like a few black metal bands to like all genres. I never thought I would stick around here aside from trying to find new bands, but I did. I don't know how long I will stay, though. I am getting bored.
I got myself into Cannibal Corpse, Death and Slayer on my own, and when I joined this forum I started listening to <my sig>, plus loads more.
I was poseurish and spammy, and pissed off a good deal of people. Then once I became versed enough in metal, I became more confident and earned more respect. Lately I've only been posting when necessary, especially in the Social Forum. I'd say I'm one of the few here who actually post more in the GMD than in the Social Forum.
I was poseurish and spammy, and pissed off a good deal of people. Then once I became versed enough in metal, I became more confident and earned more respect. Lately I've only been posting when necessary, especially in the Social Forum. I'd say I'm one of the few here who actually post more in the GMD than in the Social Forum.
Before I joined here I hardly liked any of the metal I like today. I only listened to a few popular bands like Pantera, Metallica, Black Sabbath,etc. I hardly knew who Slayer were. Then, I heard the name Dark Tranquility and looked them up and listened to them, and liked them. But anyways, UM pretty much got me into different genres of metal.
Before, I used use "chat speak" a lot more, but I thank a different site for getting past that.
I remember i used to hate Mayhem, and some other bands too. Now, i feel like my music taste has changed completely after joining the forum. I always thank this forum, and the members, you've done a great job, not only for me but for the other members too.
It's managed to teach me that vocals aren't just about purveying lyrics, they can add to the music as a whole as well.
It's also got me into half the bands I like today.

But on the other hand, it's made me a worse, much spammier, unfunny poster. So it's turned out to be a love hate relationship.
My taste hasn't really changed drastically despite my appearance to the contrary. I can only say that thanks to the Non-metal forum and a couple of posters on GMD, I've discovered an interest in other music genres. But I think the RYM community had its fair share in this "expansion of senses" as well. For a while I thought this may render my metal collection obsolete, but nah, I was just deluding myself-I still love OSDM, Doom and even some Thrash having recently reassessed quite a few bands and albums which I thought I had outgrown.
My posting style may have become more eccentric and impulsive since my foray into "fruitier" pastures,as some would say(ha-ha-ha), but
so what, I just learned to lighten up a bit and have fun.
I can't say UM has had any significant impact on me, I'm the same as I was a couple years ago, and my taste in music hasn't differed much - except ironically, my interest in metal has been on the decline the past couple years.