I loves teh boobies

I would like to make a statement that I love them too. so, - , I guess we have to share... ;)
Hearse said:
well there are too many things to mention that attracts my attention on women.

Thighs, hips, butt, tits, shoulders, neck, backline, fingers, eyes, face, hair, legs, voice...
No, no, huge, what?, wide, no, what?, eww, blah, ugh, yesyes, fat, eww...

quite much all in the same packet.. :dopey:
~Zeanra~ said:
I wish my arse would look like that too :cry: and my boobs, and face and....

..and your face is soooooooo cute already..
i´ve seen some pics here.. :worship:
*wonders whether to spoil thread by rambling on about personalities*

Eyes, smile, hair, arse, thighs, boobs... mmmm....