ummm, okay i'm listening to Drought right now HOLY FUCK this is good! why didn't anyone tell me this was what Pelican was all about!??!?!! oh wait they did. sorry.
fuck. i'm totally sold on this album. i mean MArch Into the Sea is like "yeah this is cool but after about 8 minutes i'd rather have spent my time listening to Neurosis" but this... wow. this is something special. even if it does sound like something my band The Buckwheat Conspiracy wrote in 1994.
Hey if you ever want the new Pelican, just let me know. With all the stuff out there I'd rather listen to, it's a waste for it just to collect my dead skin dust.
oy send it my way. how much you want for it? oh wait, didn't i give you that one Dimmu Borgir album for free and you never sent me Leviathan in return?
edit: wait, MArch into the Sea? i have them shitz and don't like it!
oy send it my way. how much you want for it? oh wait, didn't i give you that one Dimmu Borgir album for free and you never sent me Leviathan in return?
but dude no, i never received Leviathan! i think you said you'd pass it my way for said Dimmu. i think that was the deal. shit i dunno, i'm stuck in the mid-90's didn't you know?
Lo and behold, the fucker's sitting on my CD shelf.
Yeah, that's yours man. I aint ever gonna listen to that. I'll throw it in the mail in time for xmas. :Spin: (Even got the slip case thing and I think there's a DVD in it).
Fuck Dimmu btw. Although I just got a hold of the Stormblast re-release re-recording thingy.