I made my SymphonyX compilation¡¡

I agree about V needing to be heard as a whole.

About Church of the Machine, I really do like the point it makes. That may sound odd coming from a Christian, but I don't think the song speaks exclusively of Christians (though there's an application there, too).
Good. Too much of the Twilight In Olympus album for me, but it's all right anyway. Symphony rocks.

Even if it's part of a story and everything, I'd really like some "Evolution"...everywhere, really. That song just rocks my socks so much...
buscatesoros said:
Good. Too much of the Twilight In Olympus album for me, but it's all right anyway. Symphony rocks.

Even if it's part of a story and everything, I'd really like some "Evolution"...everywhere, really. That song just rocks my socks so much...
That would be blasphemy, unless you would put Fallen right after it. :D Can't listen to one without the other!
The Yngster said:
I disagree about V, I'm perfectly content skipping around songs

LOL, it occurs to me that we may be permanently destined to disagree. One needs only a look at the two of us to see that. :Spin:

(I don't mean that bad...I'm just pulling your chain a bit. ;) )