I made some awesome snare samples for you guys today, but need some help...


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
... they're not ready yet. Only just finished recording them, and still have to process them etc. and I have a few questions, but first let me just explain...

I figured it was about time I gave something back to the forum after being here a year and getting so much wealth of knowledge as well as resources from some amazing engineers.

My friend (and ex band member) came over today with a couple of fantastic sounding snares, and we multi-sampled and multi-mic'd them.

So what you'll get is the following:

Pearl Export ELX Maple 14 x 5.5
Pearl B1330 Brass Piccolo 13 x 3

Snare top with a 57
Snare Bottom with a Samson Q-Snare
Room with Samson C01
Overheads with Samson C01's

I will edit and mix them in varying 'Z' categories, Slate style.

You will get raw WAVS as well as .gog files.


Since I don't have Slate Trigger would someone be willing to make some .TCI files for me so they can be part of the package?

Many thanks, I will try to get them edited and uploaded ASAP!
Badass man, thanks!
I'll PM you a dropbox link once I've finished editing them.

I don't want to hype these up too much just in case you guys think they suck :lol: So let me just say that they're not amazing - but usable for sure. I think they sound good at least, but perhaps aren't what some would deem as "commercial" level. I'll let you judge for yourselves! But I just wanted to give something back at least.
Great idea, can't wait to hear your samples !

For the .tci thing, don't you know that Trigger Instrument Editor is free ?
You can get it here in the "downloads" section : http://www.slatedigital.com/trigger.php

It's also pretty fucking easy to use :headbang:
So that you can make the .tci the way you want.
If you need help to check them in context then, I can help too ;)
dude maybe they are not the best samples but maybe they can help to make the best snare sound :) the best snare drums on solo are not really good as they sound in the mix :)
True, thanks for the vote of confidence dude!

I have a question regarding the 'Zones'.
I have close mics, ambient, and overheads.

So far I've done:
Z3 - close mics only
Z1 - close mics and a little ambient

So what about Z2 and Z4? One of them can be in stereo with the overheads, and then what? The other with no close mics and just ambient & overheads only?