I met Dave Gibbons tonight


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
this forum needs action....it needs adventure....it needs a hero....NO!!


Funny you should say so!

After staying at work for an extra hour for no good reason, I took off for home walking through Union Square. Yapping on the phone, I ducked in the Apple Store so I could talk without the blaring car horns and noise of the coming rain.

Looking up, I noticed that there was a crowd gathered up the stairs and I wondered what it was. I got off the phone and walked up. What to my wondering eyes should appear?

Dave Gibbons, illustrator of WATCHMEN, doing a Q&A session! JOY!

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm a huge Alan Moore/Watchmen nut, and once I start going, I won't shut up till someone punches me in the face.

After answering some questions, Dave went over to the side of the stage to do a demonstration of this art design program he uses called Manga Studio, a really cool program. He used a stylus on a tablet screen, and drew Rorschach, telling stories all the way.

He then informs us that they would be printing out the drawing, and everyone would get a copy! This could be the greatest night of my life!

Bullshit signature I know, but here it is :kickass:


I thank him for it, wish him luck with the movie, and start to walk away. As I'm putting my night's pride and joy into my bag, I hear some guys call my name, some old co-workers I hadn't seen in a long time. Cool guys, bigger dorks than I, bringing their copies of Ultimate Watchmen for Dave to sign (which they don't allow cause the folks at The Apple Store are goddamn'd socialists).

While we're shooting the shit, some lady comes over to us, and whispers "Would you guys like to see a sneak preview of Watchmen on March 2?" To which we whispered back "FUCKKA YEAHHHHF BIATCHCH!!!".
She picked only 10 or so people out of the nearly 150 there to give the free advance screening tickets to, because of either our dashing good looks, our reletively odor free armpits, our unbelievably sexy beards, or all of the above. Or none of the above, who knows.

SO NOW, I face a dilemma.

I have two tickets.

Do I bring the biggest Watchmen fanatic I know, fulfilling a friend's dork fantasy of a lifetime, or the hottest single girl who might possibly be into giving me a hummer during the Mars episode, fulfilling MY dork fantasy of a lifetime? (pun completely intended)

Though I think we both know the answer to that one.

Brooks said:
After staying at work for an extra hour for no good reason, I took off for home walking through Union Square. Yapping on the phone, I ducked in the Apple Store so I could talk without the blaring car horns and noise of the coming rain.

Union Square was covered in at least an inch of water this morning. I had to buy new socks because mine got soaked!
Cool story!

It's awesome when things like this just happen totally by chance. I once stepped into London's Hard Rock Cafe and and suddenly some Indian dude came over and asked us if we'd like to go "downstairs". Couldn't reject that offer.. haha.

Apparently they had some sort of anniversary going on and we were chosen to not only take a look around in their awesome museum but also to play with whatever there is...

So it happened that I sat down on Jimi Hendrix' couch and played Slayer riffs on guitars from Hendrix (his last Flying V), Cobain, SRV, Elvis and Lennon...

What a day... (I was heavily tempted to steal Cobain's infamous white sunglasses ---> eBay ---> mucho $ ---> jail ---> buttsecks).
That's really awesome Brooks, happenings like that are always the best :kickass: Though I really have no enlightening advice on who to bring along with you. If I were you, I'd probably bring my friend over a potential-interest, only because even if it turns out not to be a spectacular movie at least he'd enjoy the novelty of having been able to go in advance and the geekery value in that. How well do you know the girl in question, is she also a friend?
We're being kinda flirty with eachother, and she is super cute, so I'm leaning towards taking her unless she shows absolutely no interest at all.
I also have no problem telling her right to her face that she can't go, if she's not remotely excited about it :D

The funny thing is that I've ALREADY bought tickets to the midnight IMAX show of the movie four days later! THAT night, I'll be seeing it with my dorky friends. So the advance thing is just really nice icing on the biggest movie cake of the year.

Either way, I can't lose.