I met Jim Marshall, the founder of Marshall Amps!

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

Here I am at the NAMM show in Anaheim, California this past week, with Jim Marshall (above), the founder of Marshall amps and the man behind my killer Marshall 'Mode 4' that I use in studio and on stage (below)!


Fucking awesome!!! :kickass:
Very N-ice indeed. Hey, David, I'm still using my first practice amp and the next equipment upgraded I decided should be made was the amp. It's a 15 Watt Roland Cube. So I was wondering, do Marshall have any great sounding affordable tube amps?
I'm still playing through an Orange Crush 15w practice amp, and I gotta say that it sounds great, but is getting a little old. I need something that can come closer to the tones I hear in the music I love...

Dave, did you get to shoot the shit with Jim at all? How's he holding up? Does the guy listen to any of the music that his amps are used to perform?
Sorry, saw the beard thread now.

And hey Dave, have you met the Devy? Cause I have :p Basically made my life. That would be an awesome meeting, Hevy Devy and DG, two Canadian metal Gods. Now all we have to do is arrange "a meeting place and time" :p