I must share this with you guys

When the original site was still up, there was 3 or 4 other sites of the same kind, all linked. I think there was "3 girls 1 cup" (of piss and another similar of puke.

There is also 1man1horse

But if you REALLY wanna be hardcore, dudes, i have the worst video EVER.
Search 1man1jar, but seriously, only if you're not too sensitive to real gore, I don't joke !

not as hardcore as the BME pain olympics.

that shit can't be beat!
Jesus christ, that's actually the first time I've ever seen that - god, when they start inducing vomiting into each other's mouths, bleeccchhhhh :lol::lol::lol:

You're late dude.

Now try BME Pain Olympics final round.

Goddamn. :|

I didn't see 1 guy 1 cup but apparently it's one of the worsts out there. Damn.
No. Don't do that. Seriously. What kind of moronic sick fuck need to watch this crap?
This is disgraceful.

BME clip is fake.

The original one had an explanation at the end (props prosthetic), but many other sites removed the end to get more controversy driven traffic to their pages.
So following your logic, you are a real man because you enjoy watching some guy chop his dick off . Congratulations dude.:Smug:

thats not it, I am pretty sure that he doesn't go around thinking he is a real man because he enjoys it, but is rather saying that everyone else that freaks out over all of the shock videos out there are a complete baby.

I personally don't get where all the extreme reactions come from, either I am completely desensitized, used to watching graphic movies or am just aware as to how fucked up the world really is.

I thinks its a psychological thing, with 2G1C for example, I don't think most people would have that kind of reaction during the scene in American wedding where Stifler eats dog shit, but give someone no reasonable doubt that someone is eating shit (although it looks no different from any chocolate substitutes) all the sudden is gag worthy. And the same goes with the rest, we see the same gore in movies but when you believe its real Like BME (which is fake) you get the reactions. Guarantee that if you gave reasonable proof that BME was fake and showed it to someone then the reaction would be as severe as watching a gory thrasher movie.

IDK why it is, but I really don;t see the big deal with these shock vids, they are just as realistic as any big name movie we will see and we are aware that the world is fucked up, just harden the fuck up already!
You have to have some human feelings in you, some compassion and empathy.

For example about 3300 people get squashed and torn to shreds every day in car accidents all over the world.
Many sensitive people can't "ignore" this fact and think too much about it, this drives them insane and they end up in some room with pillows on walls, or they swallow some pills to kill themselves.
We "normal" people can push this knowledge to some deep parts of our minds, it's not because we don't care or are insensitive, we just can control our thoughts good enough.
Viewing real gore clips gives you a hard to forget image that is much harder to push to these deep parts of your mind, so that image will come back to haunt you from time to time for many years.
Whatever. I am not going to change my opinion about this.
How about watching kids getting raped and murdered just out of curiosity then (even tho it might be fake if that makes you feel better about it)?
Anyway I am not going to discuss this any longer. Call me baby or pussy if you will.
You have to have some human feelings in you, some compassion and empathy.

For example about 3300 people get squashed and torn to shreds every day in car accidents all over the world.
Many sensitive people can't "ignore" this fact and think too much about it, this drives them insane and they end up in some room with pillows on walls, or they swallow some pills to kill themselves.
We "normal" people can push this knowledge to some deep parts of our minds, it's not because we don't care or are insensitive, we just can control our thoughts good enough.
Viewing real gore clips gives you a hard to forget image that is much harder to push to these deep parts of your mind, so that image will come back to haunt you from time to time for many years.

I lol at the fact this is coming up in a two girls one cup thread.