I need a bit 'o help.

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New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2006
Westfield, MA.
I read the rules for this forum, and I looked at everything else, and this seems to be the proper place to post. *Seems* to be.


I was listening to the radio last night, and this fuckin' awesome song came on, and the fuckin' DJ never said the artist or title! It was just some dude growling and screaming out a bunch of old nursery rhymes. "Ring Around the Rosie" and "Give the Dog a Bone" were the two that still stand out in my mind.

Please help me! I wanna get this song, or hear more from this artist, but I don't know who it is. If anyone knows, lemme know!

Oh, and if I'm in the wrong thread, feel free to yell at me. I know ya'll will anyway. :notworthy
just googled "Give the Dog a Bone" + "Ring Around the Rosie" + lyrics

ring -a-round-the rosies.
pocket full of posies
ashes,ashes we all fall down
nursery rhymes are said,verses in my head.
into my childhood,they're sppon fed
hidden violence revealed,darkness that seems real.
look at the pages that cause all this evil

one ,two -buckle my shoe
three ,four shut the door
five,six-pick up sticks
seven,eight -lay them straight

london bridges falling down falling down falling down
london bridges falling down my fair lady.


knick nack paddy give a dog a bone
this ld man came rolling home

mary had a little lamb ,its fleece was white as snow
baa baa black sheep have you any whool ? yes sir yes sir three bags full

ring around the rosie
pocket full of posie
ashes ashes we all fall down


knick nac paddy wack give the dog a bone!
Though there is no ring around the rosie in the lyrics...

Mr Bungle - Squeeze me macaroni ftw
"Knick knack paddywhack and give your dog a boner, baby"
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