i need a daw that do this...


Sep 24, 2007
im using reaper right now but im having problems with something :S

when i put the selection just in a tempo marker with a tempo change
and hit record...the recording pre-count (2 bars) uses the 2 bars before the selection...so im hearing the tempo before the tempo change...

i dont understand this...if im recording in a tempo change why would i want the pre-count to use the tempo that is before ?...
imagine that you are gonna record a riff at 180bpm and the pre-count is at 125 bpm...it confuses a lot :S

i asked in the reaper chat and they told me i cant do this so...

is there another daw where i can do this?
mute the stuff before and drag the tempo change back. Or just record it on its own, bring back the regions and crossfade if necessary. I understand that this might not be applicable all the time though...
mute the stuff before and drag the tempo change back. Or just record it on its own, bring back the regions and crossfade if necessary. I understand that this might not be applicable all the time though...


I usually just start recording 2 bars ahead, and then slide the waveform back by 2 bars when I'm done. I think if we post something about this in the Reaper forums though, they'll likely fix it soon enough.
sounds like the reaper honeymoon period is slowly ending. I love editing and the general workflow of PT
Well generally, if your record-start point is right on the tempo change, the preroll will play in the previous tempo because it's just playing back the previous amount of bars (however many you set), whereas the countoff generally will stay in the new tempo. However, I don't really like either if you're gonna start playing right on the record start point, because it's very rare people will start perfectly on cue (often it's a bit early), so there's the risk that the initial bit of the wave will be cut off. Personally, I'd drag the tempo change part back a bit as was suggested, start recording two bars before (which will function as your countoff), then start playing when you're supposed to and trim the region after!

I usually just start recording 2 bars ahead, and then slide the waveform back by 2 bars when I'm done. I think if we post something about this in the Reaper forums though, they'll likely fix it soon enough.

This is what i do. When you drag the tempo change bar back, it screws up the click sync to the audio before the part your trying to record.

I just ran into this problem with a band i recorded that has a LOT of tempo/signature changes. I just leave 2 measures of the new tempo open when recording now to accommodate.

Hopefully someday this'll get changed.