I need a Flash designer...

My first thing that comes to mind is the re-issue of Fade.. loop together, fading in and out, different instrumental parts of a few of the tracks, particularly Not The Strong, Broken, Within My Flesh, The Spirit Seed, and Dark Fields... I'd take the start of NTS, the break in Broken with the keys, right before Nora's vocals blend with yours, the the start of WMF, then if you have just an instrumental track for TSS, the start where it builds with the vocals, and Joe's double-bass, or if not, maybe a melodic part later in the song, and end it with the solos from DFFB, and/ or the fade at the end to conclude the loop. As far as a visual, there is the illustrations that Travis did, i.e. wallpaper, that you could start with, morping one into the other, and then morph that into the actual album cover, then the picture of the 4 of you from inside the booklet, and then to the picture of the 5 of you as the current lineup... optional would be when that is done, to play a heavy part of Absence when you get to the picture of the 5 members. That way, you'd be segueing from the reissue of Fade, to Pale Haunt, as a promotional piece at the same time. The other thing with the Pale Haunt thing, would be to incorporate maybe a piece, or pieces of music from the other songs on the demo. That's my spur of the moment idea. See if anything sticks with you.
Cool idea, but way off from what I need for the site. I need just simple, small, like what is on there now, only with options to change to the loop of your choice. The visual I was thinking was just something to indicate the sound being on or off. See what i'm going for?
I just thought of one thing..the music on/off... keeping with the ND thing.. use the N and D in the logo. N for noise, and D for dormancy. As far as the loop options, I'm still thinking about that. I'd suggest using different loops for clicking different options, but that might get too carried away.