i need accurate "Funeral wedding:tablature


New Metal Member
Oct 22, 2006
katatonia tabs are very few online...that sucks...i want to play funeral wedding(that song kills me)

if any one has such an accurate GP tab or ascii tab please be generous and share it coz im fed up with katatonia inaccurate tabs available online
katatonia tabs are very few online...that sucks...i want to play funeral wedding(that song kills me)

if any one has such an accurate GP tab or ascii tab please be generous and share it coz im fed up with katatonia inaccurate tabs available online

Make one yourself! Then you don't need to whine about the tabs that are there.

Sorry, but I hate tabs anyway.
We might as well face it the days of tabbing is Dead,
At the end of the day Tabs do suck!!!!!!

The only hope is to play by ear and do it yourself, if you can't play by ear get lessons with an instructor and get him (or her) to tell you how to play it. A good instructor will be a darn site more accurate than a 15 year old tinibobber tryhard tabber.
Emperor are going to release an original tab book in a couple of month... Emperor's Scattered Ashes: A Decade of Emperial Wrath
should be pretty cool, hope Katatonia do something like that
if i know how to tab a song i wouldnt ask!!!!

im not a proffessional guitarist, i teach myself..it may take year or more to tab a single hit alone.

if you are so talented and its that simple to you why dont you tab it and post the damn song....i guess you like katatonia...funeral wedding is one of katatonia best songs...fuck...i dont need wisedom and opinions i just want the GP tab for the song....ok
Look, I'm shure the Katatonia guys figured out their fav songs by themselves back in the days.. and I'm shure they learned with every song. And look what they've become.
If you would take a year for one note, you wouldn't recognize that the existing tabs are full of mistakes, so I don't believe you. And if it takes a month for you to find out how it's played, it will be great for you as a musician! The next one will go faster and so on.
When I loved a song so much, I took the time, because if was worth it for me.
But you can ask how the tuning is, that's always helpful for the start.