I need advice on growling.

Hmm.. well I attempt to growl. I'm female and really small (5'0) so it's difficult for me too especially since my voice is really quiet but what I do is drink a glass of water before attempting, clear your throat and then bend over and touch your toes (if you can reach) and then turn on the song and like, try not to use your throat.. as someone said earlier.

Well.. I would recommend watching live videos of your favorite bands, to see how their posture is, just take notice of how they do their shit.. low death grunts, high pitch growls... whether they crouch over while doing a death grunt or if they stand up straight and leaning back for a high pitch.

I guess it takes some math when it comes to all this.. depending on height, etc. Hm, yes.

Bend over and touch your toes.. lol.
Doll said:
Hmm.. well I attempt to growl. I'm female and really small (5'0) so it's difficult for me too especially since my voice is really quiet but what I do is drink a glass of water before attempting, clear your throat and then bend over and touch your toes (if you can reach) and then turn on the song and like, try not to use your throat.. as someone said earlier.

Well.. I would recommend watching live videos of your favorite bands, to see how their posture is, just take notice of how they do their shit.. low death grunts, high pitch growls... whether they crouch over while doing a death grunt or if they stand up straight and leaning back for a high pitch.

I guess it takes some math when it comes to all this.. depending on height, etc. Hm, yes.

Bend over and touch your toes.. lol.


say Doll How about a Growling Scotsman in a Kilt......my fave band Agankast www.Agankast.com :rock:
You creep me out, what the hell was with that mmm grrrrrrr tiger thing, lol.. but the whole growling scotsman in a kilt is kinda sexy. hah.
erm rightyo then. Growling scotsmen in kilts. What a bizarre image in my head. Ehh I can't touch my toes, I'm really not flexible in any sense. I think you should drink water with honey in it, its one of those things I've come across in my couple week searching about information and instruction about how to growl. So if most of it comes from the gut, what do you do with your throat? Do you apply much pressure?

yeah, it's okay. I guess it depends on your toes if you can growl or not. . . uhhhhh. lmao. oh i love hte smoke. ok?
Doll said:
You creep me out, what the hell was with that mmm grrrrrrr tiger thing, lol.. but the whole growling scotsman in a kilt is kinda sexy. hah.

In Scotland where live the Mighty kilted "Agankast" it is the wild call of the Haggis that has influenced the Celtic Heavy Metal Growl. The Haggis as you may or may not be aware of are small animals about the size of your average pet Dog. Their habbitat is the pine forests on the sides of Scottish Mountains. They are easy pray as their legs on their left side are shorter than their legs on the right side of their bodys...this has evolved for them over time as it makes it easier to climb around steep slopes...unfortunately for them though it makes them easy to Trap/snare. I know what you are thinking now, what has all this got to do with vocal Growling?..Well it is the low pitch of the Wild Haggis Heard across Wilderness Scotland at Night that is the inspiration for many Scottish Heavy Metal vocalists who opt for the Growl vocal technique. Good excercises I suggest for building up your vocal performance and deepening the Growl are, 1. the obvious....Malt Whiskey of course, 2. second Surprisingly Haggis itself 3. and a final recomendation I would say is to strengthen up the chest muscles and this is done with excercise for example "Tossing the Caber" . :rock:

Hege said:
to be a good 'growler', or to simply produce the desired
'death grunt' effect, You have to have a specific body type.
If You want that deep, orotund Amon Amarth-type sound, You have
to be LARGE. I mean lung capacity is important. You can't produce
that kind of sound if You are not large enough.

I DISAGREE, 100%. Michael Akerfeldt, Dan Swano, Angela Gossow, David Vincent, Fernando from Moonspell... None of these people are "large" in anyway. Your physical size does NOT dictate growl. It's all in the technique.
Novembers Paul said:
I DISAGREE, 100%. Michael Akerfeldt, Dan Swano, Angela Gossow, David Vincent, Fernando from Moonspell... None of these people are "large" in anyway. Your physical size does NOT dictate growl. It's all in the technique.

I believe physical size "does dictate growl", are we really saying here that the small frame of say the common dog has a deeper growl for instance than that of the "Black bear " ...obviously it does, and I am speaking in animal terms here. But bear with me for a moment as I feel it is relevant. Has say for instance the Tiger not a louder Raw, then a Ferrit or any other indigenous small rodent for instance. Does size really matter in terms of vocal delivery and Volume? I believe so....Are we also not animals too...does the same not really apply to us humans as well. Is a (Height impared person) for example.. really going to be able to shout "Help me someone" as loud as a fully grown Male?? I think not...and unfortunately I believe for this reason Females of a "lesser Physical nature" will not be able to compete with the Male as regards to the Growling technique. However I am not a Chauvanist, and I believe for example "a Fat women"...or probably more likely a morbidly obese one, would stand a much better chance of attaining a far deeper Growl due to Body mass.

I heard you also need a thick neck, but I'm not sure it's true.
And isn't the reason women cant compete with men in terms of growling because of the difference in the vocal cords build? o,o
Women have different vocal cords? O_O Righty. Well uh, Metalnoob, can you get me a recording of that and give me a couple of pointers? Ahhh Akerfeldt is cool.
I'm not completely sure, but you can try QuickSharing.com or something. Not sure of the exact address, just look it up on Google.