I need help and podfarm presets

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New Metal Member
Jan 5, 2011
Hey guys

I've been working on this mix for a while now, but no matter how hard I try I can't get it loud as you guys, and I think it's mainly due to my bad guitar mixing skills. Right now I'm using Podfarm, I think it's alright but my tone doesn't even come close to the ones from Joey and other guys from here. I'd really like to mice my Peavey Bandit 112, IMO it sounds a lot better than the 5150 ( I use the first generation of the Bandit, not the crappy new version). But the problem is I don't have a mic to mice it, I just got a cat for christmas and it's costing me a lot of money because of stuff like castration and removing the claws, so I just can't afford a 57 or something like that.

Sooooo, here's my mix, song is called ''Fear the poison'':


I'd really like to get some advice on making it sounding louder, and it would be great if you guys could post some podfarm presets so i could get better tones with podfarm until I can afford a 57 to mic my Bandit 112

Cheers! :wave:

lol i started laughing when the screams came in, and then laughed even harder when the guitars came in. how the hell did you manage to get podfarm to sound so bad?? it sounds worse than the RSE on guitar pro lol :hypno:
lol i started laughing when the screams came in, and then laughed even harder when the guitars came in. how the hell did you manage to get podfarm to sound so bad?? it sounds worse than the RSE on guitar pro lol :hypno:

lol this is amazing, and i'm pretty sure the guitars just have no cab in the chain.
HandsOfDispair: don' risk your account with this shit!
fake/second account usually means: user HAS to be banned (UM forum rules).
valuable long timers always have got some more credit (with me at least) than newbies, but please
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