I Need Help.............Tattoo


Children of the Wyldchild
Jul 2, 2005
Elgin, Scotland
I'm not sure if this is the correct Thread for it but i need help.

I'm Thinkin of Gettinga Bodom tattoo ( The COBHC) with The Finnish Flag Through it with Lake Bodom Underneath and 4/6/1960 underneath that and a scythe at eather side of COBHC. But i cant seem to find a program to design it perfectly to show the tattooist. any thoughts?

I Appreciate it :)
agreed. fan tattoos are cool for 2 months, then alexi gets a child (janne jr) and you cant get rid of it..
I personally hate band tattoos. But it's good that you are thinking about your own design for it. I would just put the Finnish Flag.
yeah, finnish flag and why not scythes? and you can have a reaper too (not a bodom related one..)
Authentic Metalhead said:
I'll tell you what I've told every other person who started a thread like this: DON'T GET IT. What happens if you start hating Bodom and you regret getting that? Go with something non-band related.

OMG!!! Deja Vu!!!
Michaelrattlehead666 said:
I'm not sure if this is the correct Thread for it but i need help.

I'm Thinkin of Gettinga Bodom tattoo ( The COBHC) with The Finnish Flag Through it with Lake Bodom Underneath and 4/6/1960 underneath that and a scythe at eather side of COBHC. But i cant seem to find a program to design it perfectly to show the tattooist. any thoughts?

I Appreciate it :)

imo, get alexis face tattooed on your whole back!
you should take all these ideas in your head....mabye even have a VERY ROUGH sketch of it drawn out and then take it to the tattoo artist. you'll be surprised at what a good job they can do. just describe it exactly how you want it and the tattooist can even put some nice touches to it.

by the way, i love this idea. bodom rocks, and even if you start hating the music they produce in the future, you will ALWAYS love their first few albums. so don't worry, you will have no regrets whatsoever. don't listen to the pussies on this thread.
i personally don't like band tattoos either. what if they have a huge scandal or something like that, and you'll be walking with their tattoo on your arm. That's how i see it. I like bodom too but never would i take a tattoo *maybe that's because i'm not such a big fan either* but for example i love opeth but i would nevertake a tattoo of them either.

But what mystique says is a really goo point too though:)