I need help with a quizz

Kitty said:
Well I did the best I could considering my family never emailed me back! +sniff sniff+

But some of the other names have aboriginal roots so I think they were right.

Nevermind, you were a great help for me :)

In the unlikely event of me winning the amazon voucher of 75€ I'll buy a book or CD for you, too. But I probably won't win, 'coz I only got 3 out of 6 questions.... Pretty hard quizz!

Flydog is the literal translation of it's German name. I had the glorious idea of looking it up in a dictionary, and it said flying fox. So Tut was best... and Knuckles is great, too :lol:

THX 2 anyone who tried to help me :)
talking about that, did you guys ever manage to do that IMPOSSIBLE cheat thingy on Sonic 3? MAN i did it once, it RULED
but never managed to do it again

too many keys in too little time :p
Hey Kitty, I won! :hotjump:

I actually won the quizz, although I had only answered 3 questions and part of a 4th question out of 6! :)

I won that 75€ voucher, and as I said above, I'll buy a book or CD and send it to you, if you don't mind to give your address to a total stranger from the www ;)
