COBOT I need your help!

children of COB

Deadnight Drinker
Feb 6, 2006
We're a lot of people from a loot of countries, and I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I could use your help in something which will be so fucking easy for you but could take me quite a bit of time and I don't have it.

I have to hand in tomorrow 15 assignments of the dullest subject ever, and one of them is to provide the URL and name of a newspaper that offers both paper and online edition (it doesn't matter if it's paid, but just has to offer online edition) from:

-Great Britain

Of course I know one in spanish and could probably find one in Italy/GB since I understand English and Italian is similar to Spanish, but if you guys and gals from those countries could help me with one newspaper from each country it'd be great :)

Thanks in advance COBOT.