Just a "Guitar Heroes" kind of track where everyone contributes with a solo would be awesome too imo =)
So a forum jam basically :D

And for the 5th cobot album i am not doing a metal song! it wont even have a diminished arpeggio but instead a dmin7b5 (power)chord with a locrian mode lead over it!

i just pulled a gp4 file that I wrote like 4 years ago and I'm finishing it and re-recording it as ive already recorded a "demo" a few years back but the drums and bass are midi and its not complete. im looking forward to it already actually.
So a forum jam basically :D

And for the 5th cobot album i am not doing a metal song! it wont even have a diminished arpeggio but instead a dmin7b5 (power)chord with a locrian mode lead over it!

i just pulled a gp4 file that I wrote like 4 years ago and I'm finishing it and re-recording it as ive already recorded a "demo" a few years back but the drums and bass are midi and its not complete. im looking forward to it already actually.

Fuck yeah, I've got a Lydian solo in mine :D
Fuck yeah, Cobot finally got off their asses. Yuppie. Sign me up for this motherfucker.

I'll need a guitar and a bass. Anyone? Also, to avoid a shitty-sounding mix like last time, I'd appreciate it if someone did the EQing and stuff for me. As usual, if anyone needs violin services for their song, PM or post itt. Ensi, you can add me to that list ;)

Not written yet, but accumulated tons of riffs, thinking of shaping them either into some standard viking-ish melodeath, or atmospheric black.

A forum jam's cool, so is the idea of everyone composing a song together, I'm cool with whatever. The jam's probably less work for everyone.
I just finished writing the spine of my song. Now I'm just finding spots for solos and whatnot in it and deciding what I like. It's not metal at all as opposed to maybe something more ambient/instrumental. I'm not sure really. If anyone here wants to have a look let me know, I would love to collaborate with a few of you and get some input on it. Once again, not metal, so :P
^I wrote a section that's ambient and non-metal, it sounds unbelievably epic but has zero place in my song, I'd love to do something with it.

It's in Dmin, is yours?
Here is a brief overview of my song in GP5. Not complete since I have the solos, etc. to add over it. Those last few repeating bars are the main backbone though. Let me know what you people think. I had been having too much fun with that Big Sur Moon type of feel with my delay pedal at the time xD

Here's another thing I was working on and gave up. Sounds like an old sega game imo so the title should be fairly easy to figure out.

I'm open to criticism. Know that neither of these are complete and are just kind of fucked around projects.