The Cobot Timeline.

OMG HAHAHAHAH That was one of my classic black metal assrape pics :P I used to post lots of fuckin crazy shit like that hehehehehe
Long time to get ready in the morning, and I'm not 14 anymore so I don't find it cool. I don't headbang, long hair generally makes you look like a dirtbag even when you take good care of it, I hate having hair in my fucking face. . . if I didn't look like shit without it I would get rid of it, but I'm really contemplating cutting it a lot shorter soon. . .
Thats about the same way it was with me I got tired of fuckin with it..... I grew my hair at one time...... more trouble than I was willing to put up with LOL
did Janne actually say that to that mother fucker?

No he didnt, motherfucker, he wrote it. I usually ignore pathetic bullshitting behind the back, but calling me motherfucker without knowing who I am is pitiful beyond words.

This thing about kids in COB Off Topic hating Joonas has always existed tho.