fucking lold, wall of shame

count me in for Album V if it ever happens but don't be surprised if I get fuck all done as I've been wall-of-shamed for the past 2 albums
Speaking of which, when the fuck are we gonna have another album? I've almost finished writing another song.
I'm interested, I've got quite a few riffs and so on that I've been fucking around with that I'm not sure I'd ever use otherwise. When are we starting?
Imma making a dragon force song. I'm gonna record at 80 bpm and then pitch that shit up to 320
;( seriously i would love to contribute, but since I never play any metal I guess it wouldnt fit or sound good :D
Doesn't have to be metal :D It's in the first post under the questions at the start.

Some other genres would be sweet.

Sweet, so I won't get flamed for not being some virtuose guy? Maybe I'm in then...