Saw how hard was the other even if we had endless time? Let people get going again. Ensi and I will always post and do if the thing gets started, but you saw first hand how the whole process goes around here ;)
So what's everyone's thoughts on the new album? When to start?

I'd say just gun it, but it's not up to me, it's up to us.

If you want sth fast I can just re-work an old song I never got around to recording. In general, as far as I'm concerned, the sooner we start, the sooner it'll be done. The deadline will probably get pushed back a gazillion times anyway.
Hey guys, I'm back (sort of)

My computer died on me 2 months ago and I also had to work away from home for the past three months so it has been impossible for me to keep up with you.. but now my computer should be fixed in the next weeks (it's still on warranty so after the 3rd time sending it in I guess the guys at HP will finally get it right) and I'm back home so I'll be ready to record again:D

I'm new, what is COBOT: The Album?

COBOT: The Album is a collaboration album that we dudes and dudettes at the COB OffTopic (COBOT) forum makes once/twice a year, depending on people's opinions.

What is a collaboration album?

Fucking COBOT albums, how do they work.

A collaboration album is an album that several people will contribute to, to make a final product.

I wanna join! What do I need to do?

You make a song, you send it to me before the deadline, and that's it. You can also work together with people on making a song.


COBOT: The Album Vol IV is going to be the next album. If you want in, post it in this thread!

People that will be participating for Vol IV:
  • Ensi - Done!
  • Flappy - Done!
  • children of COB - Done!
  • zirkonflex - Done!
  • Crzy_Aus - Done!
  • <-Warheart-> - Done!
  • Mystique1721 - Done!
  • vikk
  • Necromancer197666
  • Conti
  • Epi
  • eveningninja
  • TheKid
  • The_Butt
  • Jmbullet
  • Knorghul
As in the old thread, I will use color codes on names to indicate how far each member is in the process. Remember to update if you're on the list!

Composing: In the process of composing your song.
Composed: Is done composing but haven't started recording yet.
Recording: Currently in the process of recording.
Recorded: Done recording, but not mixed/mastered.
Completely done: Composed, recorded, mixed/mastered and sent to me.




Here is a list of people that you can request help from if you need it:
  • Ensi: Guitars, simple bass and drum programming/making with Addictive Drums, orchestra with East West Symphonic Orchestra YouTube
  • TheKid: Vocals, guitars, simple classical guitar and bass. YouTube
  • Jmbullet: Classical style vocals, advanced keyboard, simple lead guitar and rythm guitars (Drop C, D standard and E standard) YouTube
  • Crzy_Aus: Clean and/or distorted violins. YouTube
  • Enmity5566: Composing and writing songs in Guitar Pro.
  • Snowy: Mixing / Maybe mastering.
  • Zirkonflex: "Aye guys, I could actually mix some stuff and clean up the sonic messes you guys will create.
    Basically got a studio right here, I can do any intruments too if somebody has problems or suck-ass drums or bass."
  • FiendJesterChaos: Death/scream vocals.


If you don't play any intruments you could make the album art for Vol IV :) Make it, post it, and the people will decide on which they like best.

Remember to make for the front cover and back, while listing temporary names for the tracks.

Albums completed so far:
Click to go to the album post page, where you will find download links, track listing and some tabs.

Im making a song and i cand handle bass and guitars, i may have some problem with the sols and i need someone to help me with drums, obviouslt:Smokin: