I need input on my tone here...


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I can't figure out what I'm doing to where I am not getting decent enough results with this. I'm using a 7 string into a Triaxis direct into my comp, then spit through Pristine Space using what I am assuming are Splat88's IR's, with just some L2 to keep it from clipping. I've also tried adding some C4 to boost certain frequencies, but it seems like I need help with that too.

Anyone have any thoughts? It seems like everyone else is getting rather good results and I don't understand why I'm hitting a brick wall. It still sounds better than some of the other shit I've done (considering it doesn't have the gritty clippy sound to it), but I'm wanting it to be much cleaner and punchier.

http://www.esnips.com/doc/dfa8000a-e510-4b6f-b4a1-ad26efe20246/Trial.mp3 is the link to it, you can stream or download it.

Mmmm, I love the Triaxis-ness of it coming through. Based on the clip, id say theres too much lowend being picked up....but since you're using the amp direct to you comp, im not sure how to help you :( If it wa srecorded with a mic i'd say to movce the mic back a bit and add some high end- if that helps??
Just filter the low end out on the input channel in your DAW, if you feel that is the problem. Also Splatt's impulse's need a large boost around the 2k area, as do Kazrog's, the 5150 combo impulse that someone posted here (sorry to whoever posted it, i don't remember who it was, so i can't give credit) is the best sounding impulse i've come across, and i've been using it for a while now.
To me, the worst thing about the tone is the sound of that guitar, sounds very "loose" for a 7 string. Maybe its slightly out of tune, or maybe i'm imagining things.:loco:
This time, I did what I read also in another thread. Someone said 4 tracks, one at 100% and 80% panning on both sides, and with the mids scooped on the 80% track. I might have overscooped them, but it still sounds ok. I'm going to try to add bass to that tonight to see if I get a thicker sound. That also means I'm going to have to start looking at some threads on bass. :kickass: