I need Many effects


Devon killed Buddy
Sep 4, 2001
Dawlat elBa7rain
All you Opethians I need help! I have a budget of $250 and I really need some effects for my guitar. Either multi-effect or whatever. Just good quality Distortion, Delay, Chorus that sounds like Opeth. Distortion like Still Life's "Serenity Painted Death". Delay like BWP's "The Drapery Falls" etc. What are you suggesting?
Originally posted by Prophetix
Thanx, I already got myself that 1 for free from my cousin ;). Now all I need is the distortion. Through my neverending search for the best affordable multi-effect processor I stumbled upon this:
Zoom 606 Multi-effect Processor (Gold Finish!) . Sounds like a REALLY cool deal considering its got like 35 effects and costs $100!

its pretty shit though...if you want something similar to that i would reccomend a digitech rp200 or rp300 (if you're willing to spend more)

as for distortion you should get either the boss metal zone or the zoom tri-metal (i prefer this). They both have pretty good range.
Zoom multis are shit. There's a reason it looks like a cool deal :). Yeah Digitech pedals are better. There's loads of reviews for this stuff over at the user reviews section of harmony-central.com
Multi-Effect distortion are very average. Seperate Distortion pedals will give you a much better sound and tone.

I recommend:
'Boss' HM2
'Marshall' Jackhammer
'Zoom' Tri-Metal
Any 'Nobels' Distortion pedal

Or just save up and get a good amp, like a Laney VH100R. Mines arriving on this Friday :D .
Originally posted by bleed for me

its pretty shit though...if you want something similar to that i would reccomend a digitech rp200 or rp300 (if you're willing to spend more)

as for distortion you should get either the boss metal zone or the zoom tri-metal (i prefer this). They both have pretty good range.

i second this. Besides rp200 was dirt cheap for me ( 120 bucks ) and it already paid itself. You get nice bonuses you probably wont get with zoom like a built to last expression pedal ( that one looks weak on the zoom and if its at all like other zoom units it is ), it has way more amps on the amp simulation ( with the high gain, the marshall stack and the dual rectifier being totally asome ) and the harmonizer thing can really help on solo's or help you cheat to play 8ths ala opeth =P
Zoom is pretty crappy. Anyone thinking of buying one, avoid! They fall apart if you gig them.

Personally, I'd advise trying to find a second hand gt-5. From my experience with mine, all 5 years of it, they are robust, sturdy and tank proof ;)

Sounds pretty damn good too, and good effects, lots of possibilities.

Otherwise, digitech isn't bad, but I would advise getting some valve related distortion in there. Sounds better ;) (well, to my ears ! )