I need music to get pumped @ the gym!!

I have some Whitechapel, Impending Doom, one Bring me the Horizon song, some The Devil Wears Prada on my workout playlist. I also find myself listening to stuff at the gym that I wouldn't listen to normally. For some reason I can almost dig Emmure when I'm working out but can't stand it when I put it on in my car.

Edit: Also, I can get into some Justice during my workouts. It gets me pumped. Oh, and In Flames.
I usually load some Dimmu, Dream Evil, Pantera, Strapping Young Lad, Unleashed.... anything that has some groove and heavy rhythms. Pantera works like a charm
training mma we had separate cds depending on the focus like i said prodigy etc was good for cardio, when doing sparring and striking techniques tended to be pantera soilwork inflames and then when doing bjj we ended up having some trippy stuff like tool porcupine tree down alice in chains etc