I need some advice


Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
Music has been the only thing that ive ever stuck with...ive been in and out of bands,toured,recorded blah blah blah....for a while i had trouble finding a band in my area that was doing anything that i wanted to do so i ended up just not letting my ideas go to waste and i started writin some shit..i came up with 11 songs then once i finished the writing i went and bought pro tools and now months later am still working with that and trying to learn everything i can...i can play bass and guitar and im fairly decent at programming drums so i left it at that...i did all the writing on the music end and figured that ill find a singer and get it moving a little bit so i dont feel like such a waste. only thing is ive been searchin for like 2-3 years for a singer...i dont know what im doing wrong...i have no ego whatsoever...im picky in the sense that i just want the stuff to sound good as ive put a ton of work into it and i dont wanna ruin it by putting someone who i feel isnt capable...the thing is i cant even get to that point...i find people that are all "yeah man this shit sounds great i cant wait to work on it"...then thats the last i ever hear from them

So now, after searching basically the whole world, i find out that a dude whos pretty decent lives right down the street from me...so i called him and hes into doing it...the potential is there...but it took me about 3 weeks to get him to even get in to do some scratch vocals...and his excuse was "i know how you are with music so i wanted to make sure i had it all and it was perfect"...which is all fine by me im sure anyone would like to hear something like that. But when he finally came in to do some tracking, he only had like half of the song. He planned on singing and screaming in the song. He only had the screaming part written, and it wasnt even for the full song he had 2 verses and a chorus. And now this is after "3 weeks of doing nothing but working on this song" I understand these things take time but for 3 weeks that just seems like a half assed effort...which right now hes all i can find so i have to deal with it. But i feel like i gotta babysit this kid and be like hey man try not to get to drunk tonight so that your not too hungover to track tomorrow. Or I have to remind him 10 times of what day were tracking. Or he just doesnt even show up and i hear nothing from him for a few days and then he apologizes and says hes serious about it and all that stuff. So now here i am today..its 130 here...he was supposed to show up at 11...still havent heard any word from him and dont think im gonna hear anything for a few days again.

Being i cant find anyone else should i just suck it up and deal with this shit or should i kick him to the curb and start the search over again? After reading this again it really seems like a bad relationship haha...oh well...what should i do?
Just tell him you want to be serious about the project and if he isn't able to be serious and/or reliable, you will need to move on and find someone who is as passionate as yourself.
I have said that to him and then for about a week it seemed to sink in and he was on time and was doing a little better but then after that week he fell back into the laziness. Im thinking i should just start the search over but it seems impossible to find anyone
I keep looking and looking and feel as if im wasting more time searching for someone and coming up empty handed through every search...do any of you guys know where i can look to find someone? ill take all the help i can get
Is this search to establish a band, or just to write and produce music as a hobby (i.e. no touring, playing shows, etc.)? If so, post up some tunes and ask for volunteers to sing for you - I am sure there are a few capable people on this board that would be willing to hook you up? If this is serious and you're trying to get a band together, unfortunately there is no other answer - you need to keep looking.

Good luck dude! :headbang:
if your starved for places to find ppl put up an ad on craigslist.

I found members for bands really easily on there.
well everyone seems reluctant to join something thats just 1 person thats why i figured id try more to find a singer rather then the full band...then once a few songs were recorded and in place id look for the remaining members...so i am trying to establish a band just having a hell of a time trying to do it lol...and ive put up multiple ads on craigslist,myspace,i threw one up here asking to see if someone wanted to mess with the vocals and a couple people responded but never heard anything from them after that i dont know if my songs just suck or what lol anybody i show them to that im friends with, they all like it and i tell them that if they dont like it to tell me because i dont want to sit here thinking i have good material when its actually shite..i just keep hitting dead ends...ill keep searching till i find something though i dont wanna have to give this up
As the mighty Skeletor says, if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.

well thats what i was thinking from the start...only problem is dude...i SUCK at singing lol so i cant even just say fine i give up im just gonna sing the shit...cuz i cant do it ive tried and every attempt is worse then the next lol which is all fine by me...as long as i can play my instruments then im happy
Welcome to being in a band :lol:

Finding 4-5 people that are all on the same page musically, all have thier shit together in life, and all get along is like winning the cosmic fucking lottery.

I'm sure it happens sometimes so good luck! :heh:
enditol i hear you dude ive been in my fair share of bands and theres always some sort of drama going on...in one of my bands my guitarist ended up falling for our bass player (she was a chick lol) and i had already been friends wit her before the band so naturally we were kinda close...after EVERY practice he accused me of "taking her away from him" when she had no interest in him to begin with...and neither of us had the intentions of doing anything we were just friends...shit happens you move on...but right now im not even looking for 4-5 people im just looking for 1 and still having an epic failure at doing so
ill give it a try but i used to sing for a good 2 years and i still thought it was horrible...then again like most of us i am my own worst critic
Welcome to being in a band :lol:

Finding 4-5 people that are all on the same page musically, all have thier shit together in life, and all get along is like winning the cosmic fucking lottery.

I'm sure it happens sometimes so good luck! :heh:

so true...

i've been in several bands, did full european tours, recorded albums, played a lot of shows, and if there's one thing i've learned from all this:
people, and even those who you tend to get along with really well, will be very fast to "dick out" when it comes to their music....in all kinds of shades. some of them just don't care, some just care way too much, some will be like no-compromise all the friggin time (the worst as far as i am concerned), etc etc....

right now i finally found a band that has their shit together both musically and on a human level so to speak - except for our drummer, who quit like 4 months ago. awesome player, but total dickhead....the no compromise kinda guy.
needless to say, we're still looking for a new drummer (unfortunately :( )...it's just really fucking hard to find someone that's a cool person, AND can play the kinda stuff our old drummer was able to...AND also doesn't live too far away (read: like 100km or more).

the point i'm trying to make: i can relate....
it def is a process trying to find a band thats why i ended up just writing everything by myself...if i could find a band that was within a reasonable distance id tryout in a second but its friggin hard lol...even the last band i was in i had to travel an hour and a half for practice 3 times a week...i dont mind it but after a while it tends to do some damage to your wallet and your car