
May 20, 2006
Katy, Texas
i posted this over at gearslutz...figured id post it here to cus im in a bad mood :cry:

alright so after a couple months of putting up with his crap, me and the other guitarist in my band confront the drummer about his stupid ass ego and his inability to time fills. first of all lemme fill you in on the kind of person my drummer is...all he does is go around telling people that he plays drums and that hes a badass drummer and hes better than lar ulrich(metallica) and chris adler (lamb of god)..this kid is pretty good..but no way near either of the two. He'll randomly stop in the middle of a song to inform the rest of the band on how "badass" his drumming is and how fast he is playing double bass. the kid is full of himself. I get along with pretty much everyone so im pretty confident its not just me. So anyways he doesnt know how to time his fills..and it keeps messing the rest of the band up..and when we tell him to get solid parts down and memorized, all he says is, "worry about your own parts" "your not a drummer you dont know what your talking about" "i dont tell you what to play" and "deal with it". We explained to him that whenever his fills go over the measure its messes us up and we have to work to get back on track with him, and all he says is "dude your obviously not counting 1-2-3-4" Our drummer has had no former lessons, knows nothing about music, note values or theory(but acts like he does) and not trying to brag or anything but the other guitarist and i have both been playing for 6 years and have been taking lessons for about 3 years (everyone in the band is 17-ish) we both take music theory classes so we can easily identify if a fill (for example) is going over the measure..so its not like were just making this crap up just to piss him off..anyways if we could, we'd kick him out but the music scene here (Katy,TX) is pretty lame and hes the best drummer we could find..i just wish there was some easier way to get him to listen to us..its all an ego thing, he doesnt want to be proven wrong no matter what and he can't take any critizism on his playing. when we do try to offer our opinions all we hear is "if i want your opinion ill ask for it"...
Tell ya what, if he's like that then you're far better off without the cunt. Tell him to buck up his ideas or hes getting run over by the bandwagon, and anybody with a knowledge of time signatures can tell that he plays crap if ihes out, nothing to do with drumming.
Iäm firing my drummer this week.

He's useless, my main band, folk pirate metal, usually generic 12/8 drums.

He's been with us 7 months and can't remember song structure and when he fucks up (3-4x a song) instead of keeping going he stops and holds his head for4-5 bars.

Man, trust me, if you wanna make it as a musician, you NEED a solid/reliable band. Fire the prick.
Welcome to TX musicianship, pal... now prepare to line em up and hold on for the fucking ride.

Luckily for you, you're... 17? I've learned this shit having played in this area since about... well, since about I was 17.

Tell that kid to come out more often to some of the jams and have him put in his fucking place with the quickness.
ahh i want to kick him out soo bad but i guess im just lazy about it...he knows how all the songs go (even tho he fucks them up) and were about to start recording in like 2-3 weeks..i should keep him around for the recording then kick him afterwards..i just wish he would drop the ego and listen to what the rest of the band was saying!!!!!!!

oh and another thing i didnt mention before..hes obsessed with lamb of god, arch enemy, nevermore and all those bands but he thinks metallica, megadeth, pantera and bands like that flat out suck..im not saying he HAS to like them but i find it ridiculos how he has no respect for bands like that and still likes all these new bands..i feel like a 7th grader calling him a poser but..
If you have any simple songs where there are no timing or tempo changes, make the band play to a metronome at rehersals. If he's still out, maybe he'll realise. If he doesn't get better, or starts with the "the clicks wrong" shit, then you know he's not worth the time.
Tell him "Only whiny little bitches can't play to a click."

Seriously though, it does separate the men from the boys. Hook a cheap metronome up to your practice PA & see what he's really made of. If he's as good as he says he is, it shouldn't be a problem. But, there's a good chance he's trying to cover for his inadequacies with his boasting. Another idea: practice with the metronome & record it... that way you have proof.

yeah fuck him.......get drumkit from hell.....i hate human beings also

+1million :headbang:

Hey man my drummer in the last band I was in was the same way. I would get so messed up with my timming due to his crap. And he would have the nerve to say that it was me going off time that messed him up... Um yeah, isn't the drummer suppossed to be holding the beat and time of the song? So seriously, I know where you are coming from.
hahaha oznimbus..i knew it was only a matter of time before you would see the title "i hate drummers" and jump right in :lol:
Tell him "Only whiny little bitches can't play to a click."

Seriously though, it does separate the men from the boys. Hook a cheap metronome up to your practice PA & see what he's really made of. If he's as good as he says he is, it shouldn't be a problem. But, there's a good chance he's trying to cover for his inadequacies with his boasting. Another idea: practice with the metronome & record it... that way you have proof.


I would suggest this also. Click through PA, record to prove. Maybe he will get so pissed that he will quit and you won't have to fire him.

It's a shame. He sounds like a good drummer with some major flaws that could be fixed with a little time and determination. He's only holding himself back. If it wasn't for tha a-hole ego thing maybe a simple serious respectful talk could save his ass.
I think I just recorded your drummer

His tempos are tragic, refused to play to a click (cuz he can't) I spent two days editing drums, he comes in listens to the playback, turns to his bandmates and says," dude, listen how consistent my kick and snare hits are, I really worked on that"

I wasn't going to say shit, but the guitarist says," you DO realize your listening to triggers right?"


Im in The Woodlands... you can pay me, Ill come nail the takes for ya... easy like apple pie.
I have fired 2 drummers and a bass player. You eventually get to the place where it's just buisness.

To me there is no escuse for a shitty drummer. Metronomes are cheap as fuck so instead of buying the new Lamb of God, he should buy a fucking metronome.

Although you guys are only 17, I generally don't exspect alot of maturity at this age (no disrespect) so it more than likely is just a phase. I would can him anyways though.
I'd say can him too. If your not self recording your tunes yourself, a drummer with an ego and the lack of ability to play to a click will cost you in the studio. True, it is hard to find a good drummer to play whatever style one plays, but trust me, its best to for a band as whole to can the player with the ego and attitude. GOod luck either way.
just thought i'd chime in and ask what ever happened to the invisible click

i used to be in a band, i played drums, and i spent more time learning how to play balanced and evenly in hits than anything else.

our entire band realized theres an invisible click behind every song, to where you know what the beat is and timing, everyone must follow it

i guess we just knew our own material well enough to know that we're not all just sitting around playing to each other, but playing along an invisible timeline that you can headbang too

we were really solid, and had no tempo or too-long-over-the-measure-fills issues

i guess its no point to make tho, because i cant imagine someone like your drummer being able to understand a concept like this. you just have to imagine your song being played in perfect speed without slowing down or speeding up. at that point you realize that you can't add or subtract time from here or there, unless its written that way...
It's a shame. He sounds like a good drummer with some major flaws that could be fixed with a little time and determination. He's only holding himself back. If it wasn't for tha a-hole ego thing maybe a simple serious respectful talk could save his ass.

nailed it..

its not even like its a big deal when i tell him hes messing up, i calmly say hey that fill isnt gonna work here or w.e and he'll get all defensive about me proving him wrong (when i know he knows im right)..he just cant admit to his mistakes..and i know were all just 17 but we're pretty serious about the band and we all want it to work out..well atleast everyone except the drummer it seems.. i guess hes just making parts up to serve himself and not the songs.