Am I the only one that finds it almost disrespectful to be willing to unleash a drummer like that on a studio and recording engineer?

Things only get more complex in a band AFTER a recording. Leaving it till after all the effort has just been put in to track a release, and then kicking a band member out is just downright juvenile.

Kick him out of the band ASAP. Start looking for a new drummer. That's the only way to go.

People like that dont change, cause they boast so much they believe their own hype..can the ass before he tears the band apart. The money you save in studio time for all his extra takes, just hire a session drummer...It may cost a little more, but at least youll have a good product and you or the engineer wont have to roll someone up in a carpet and throw them off a bridge....
I think I just recorded your drummer

His tempos are tragic, refused to play to a click (cuz he can't) I spent two days editing drums, he comes in listens to the playback, turns to his bandmates and says," dude, listen how consistent my kick and snare hits are, I really worked on that"

I wasn't going to say shit, but the guitarist says," you DO realize your listening to triggers right?"



That has got to be the best fucking shit ever said on this board :)
Ditch the fucker... not only are you going to be better off in the studio with DFHS, you're going to regret having wasted any time at all with the fucker when you're not 17 and either (1) you have to go to college/the job market/the moon/whatever and you realize what kind of bullshit you shouldn't have bothered with or (2) you keep this band up enough to make coin off of your gigs and you realize how much better off you'd have been if you had thrown him out even earlier. For all you know, he may get his shit together and rejoin the band when he's found a clue and decent timing (if Katy's metal scene is as stretched as it seems to be - the San Antonian feels your pain) and if not you've so little to gain by his presence in the current state that there is no good reason to keep him.

Seems like all the drummers suck (not ppl on this board of course! ;-) )!

The drummer of the last band I was in always pretended that he could play to a click. As his timing was wwwaaayyy odd (like +/- 20 bpm at least from one part of the songs to the other) I suggested hooking up a metronome to the P.A. Said and done we listened to him playing the stuff to the metronome - at least for the first 2 or 3 bars...

I quit the band soon after that (and haeven't found a new one yet :-( )...
I think its all the way around. I constantly see shitty guitarists and singers around too, except it seems their mistakes arent as obviously noticable.

Either way... I taught myself guitar, bass, and a fair amount of vocals, so that I can track all my own shit here. Elephant Audio can vouch for that shit.

In all seriousness this stuff sucks, the ratio of good musicians to bad is like 1:1000.

he should sit down and play along to cds. this goes for all instuments. playing to click is a must, but if you always play to just a click you'll get stuck in ruts. if you play along to someone else it forces you to learn new teqniques by exposeing you to different ways of playing things.

if your worried about not having a drummer, don't record with him. DSFH is an option. but what about a studio drummer? find someone you know can play and ask if he'll do a couple of songs with you. I have friends who'll help me out that way if needed. a couple of outcomes are possible. 1.) your drummer is humbled, sits adown and applies himself seriously (.00000001% chance of that) 2.) he gets pissed and quits 3.) het gets all pissed, stays in the band and badmouths you behind you back, then quits to play with a "better" band. 4.) just stands there drooling, completely clueless about reality and somehow forms the words "yeah, that guys pretty good".
DKFH Superior. Simple.

Shit man, buy EZ drummer, make parts out of EZD midi files then sample with superior.


Quality tracks.
My expirience with drummers:
1) total idiot - fired
2) raging bi-polar alcoholic - fired
3) nicest person in the world - still in the band

I guess 3rd time is a charm.
Yea dude bands are not easy. I played with people similar to what you describe and its just sad. Your still young but i tell you what i wasted a lot of years in the same scenario and its like you can't move forward until you just move past it (aka fire his ass). I take music very serious and its funny how many people will say the same thing until it comes down to prove it!

Our most recent drummer very very good and got so much heart. But no music theory and or lessons and was clueless to a lot of things. I asked him one day so you know how to tune your drums...You guess this awnser..... Of course he does. So i asked well show me how then please..this was my look as he tried to do something i think which was tunning drums:erk: :erk: :erk:

He is only 20 but since then i mean he has took lessons and done everything to make himself the best he can be and in all honesty no one is perfect you gotta realize that!

Yea our drummer was sure he was gonna just knock out the click track drumming so easy and i said your gonna eat your words. Sure enough throw up a click track and he looked like he craped his pants!!! But he is willing and loves to learn things and takes stuff as a challenge even though he tries to be cool and act like he knows things. I think its a drummer thing to try and be as cool as possible or something!!

But yea the click track thing is like the ultimate thing to kill there ego. You watch that shit fly right out the window. Id lay your guitar tracks down to a click all nice and neat and be like hey i had no problems with a click. Then have him try and go and watch him squirm it will be worth it!!

Ez drummer or dkfh or whatever is a good choice if you can't find a drummer!!
messaged him today on aim..

ME: hey heres the deal, im thinking about finding a session drummer to come record the drum parts for the cd. i might of also found at drummer who graduated from katy high last year and is supposivly really good at drums. so you can either start listening to raul and i when we tell you to figure out your parts, and act like your a part of this band and drop your fucking ego, or you can quit..its up to you. i want you in the band but not if your going to act immature, act like your the greatest drummer in the world and tell us you dont need our opinions..
DRUMMER: yeah i have been thinking and iv notived what u guys are talking about and i do act like im the best and i know im wrong and i think we need to make this work because i know we all want it.

pfff i dunno if its all bullshit or not..but now that ive "threatend him" with kicking him out and getting a new drummer, maybe he'll keep his mouth shut and play the shit right. anyways i hope so.. our next band practice is supposed to be next thursday i think..so i'll let you know how it goes! if he bitches one more time hes gone forever :zombie:
Hey at least you put him in his place. My last band's lead singer quit the band to get rid of the drummer, then started a new band where he was the says all ends all guy (in other words no democrocy) and he says he has never been in a tighter band ever.

And now he is recording his demo in Nashville with some producer guy for free (in a studio that cost $120 an hour) just because the guy liked his shit.
good for you dude...

Yea if you don't stand up to him he will just push you around forever or aka keep doing everything he does now. Once you voice your opinion and he realizes you guys don't stand for that shit. Either he will change and step his game up or his ass will be replaced easy as that. There is no room for ego's in music it kills a band.

Honestly i could see a real good band musically, but then you meet them and they got these huge ego's and are dicks and its like man that fucking band sucks. You don't ever wanna be that band so just something to remeber...

Good luck though and hopefully good things to come for ya:rock:
my two cents...

I'm 48, played in bands since I was 13. I've played with all sorts of drummers... my experience, if the drummer does not know that his timing is off, that fills over/under extend, you either live with it or get another drummer. it will probably only get marginally better. if there's ego involved, it's a bad situation that won't get better.

playing with peeps that have no timing (rush or drag consistently), they either have it or they don't... you either live with it or not.
^^^ i agree...i was asked by a band to produce them and the first thing i told the drummer was his fills and timing were way off and the he needed to be more assure of himself. hopefully our next session he took my advice.