I need new music!

well i know you are into power metal and folk metal mainly... so along those lines you might enjoy:

Twilightning (very 80's sounding power metal from finland)
Masterplan (their new album is out, and it is very good)
Leprechaun (new folk metal band started by Elvenking vocalist Damnagoras - www.leprechaun.it - they have one song to DL on the site, PM me if you want to hear more... i have a copy of the promo)
Atrox - Orgasm

Take some of Meshuggah's heavy, chuggy, poly-rhythm riffs, add a lot of avant-garde things, and the most creative female vocalist their is.....and you've got that album.

Listen to the songs Burning Bridges, Methods Of Survival, Tentacles.....or if you want something especially heavy, then Flesh City.