i need powertabs now

A. Iverson

Jul 17, 2005
since the powertabs.net site is down, and most of the other power tab sites are also down, my only source of power tabs now is metaltabs.com, and unfortunately it doesnt have all of the opeth power tabs. So, if any of you know alternative sites please post their links here please.
Yeah it sucks. Mooropeth.com has Opeth tabs, but they are not power tabs. I also have a few Opeth power tabs on my computer that I could send to you if you're interested. I'm learning Deliverance right now. Just learned the first solo.
^cool i just sent you a pm,

the songs i need most are in mist she was standing and the funeral protrait,

id be really grateful to anyone who can help me out
Here is every opeth tab I made. Some of them are works in progress, like I only have about 10 measures of bass on wreath, but mostly they are complete.


And here is every one I have saved, I have quite a few and some of them are pretty terrible or incomplete and I don't remember where I got them all. The ones with filenames like opeth-song_name.ptb are generally better quality than the ones with other naming conventions. I am pretty sure I don't have everything that was on powertabs.net, so if I'm missing anything let me know, unless it's version #28934 of ending fucking credits.


Fyi all the ones I made are on metaltabs.com, though neither of the specific two you were looking for were by me so that wouldn't help :D
^ great shit dude you're the man thanks!!!

@ valerie: text tabs are fairly easy to find, its the power tab sites that are killing me. But thanks, cool site anyway! and btw im also looking for necrophagist, agalloch, arcturus, nile, and jason becker power tabs so if anyone has any please share!