Line Level Recordings

New Metal Member
Jun 29, 2009
im 18 and im really new at this..
but i made a mix ..unmastered

just wanted to see what you guys thought
and hopefully someone will tell me whats missing

im a big appreciator of joey sturgis's work
so im goin for that kinda tone ( exept guitars )
i dont like simulated amps

as much info as you can give me
please please please



- Marc :)
sounds pretty good man!!!

here is some feedback:

Drums are abit buried, too dry and a little dull sounding to me, also the timing right at the end seems off (sounds like miss triggering or something)
Guitars have too much of a "fizz" sound to them and a little muddy (I am just listening thru headphones), probably pull back on the centre guitar in the chorus
Singing part is off key and could do with a little tap delay to make it less dry?
Screams sound great, they sit nice in the mix

I wish I could mix like this when I was 18 - NICE!!!!!!!
I'm actually a fan of the drum tone, it just needs to be a little fatter-it's got the punch.

The vocals sit well. I can't say I'm a huge fan of the guitar tone, it has a nice crunch, but not enough mids and it's a bit fizzy.

I would automate the choruses a bit more volume wise.

Tell us a little bit about the recording.
Firstly, well done! This is one hell of a mix, very very good.

I think there's quite a bit too much low end to be honest, sounds like the bass and kick have both had a pretty massive low shelf boost. Dial it back a bit.

Guitars could do with some more mids (not lots, just a bit) and less gain. Its coming across as majorly scooped and a bit fizzy. Less gain will help the tapping guitar come out a bit clearer too.

Drums could come up a bit, and the kick drum could do with some more click (though pulling down the low end might sort this)

Clean vocals need tuned or retracked as they're out of key. They're also a bit dry.

Main point - Don't instantly assume that you need new gear! A tube preamp isn't going to add anything significant to this. It just needs a little bit of tweaking in the mix, and (assuming you've got DI's) reamping the guitars for less gain and a bit more mids.
Vocals aren't that much out of key, just tune them with melodyne or something like that. it's just a tad here and there.

for the drums you may like to try some parallel compression.

guitars are a bit thin and fizzy. play around with the lowpass filter. should be fine somewhere between 10-12khz.

share some info with us :)
how do i fatten up the drums tho?
and get rid of the fizzy sounding guitar?
will any DI do it?
is there ones that have better quality
or is it all the same?

and yea.. those vocals
it was all done in one take
i dont like to do vocals part by part
cause that's just cheap, in my sense

cause if im singing really good on a cd
then people hear me live and im not as good as the cd ( like alota bands )
thats just bad

so this way
theres no surprises

it wouldnt matter if i was recording another band
cause they mind see it differently

parallel compression
iv heard of that
but never used it

could you please define it for me
you know who supports parallel compression plug ins ?

by the way guys,
thanks so much for giving me positive comments and constructive input

im glad no ones bashing it
and saying its complete shit
Guitar tracks: high pass at 80hz, low pass at 12khz. You may want to high shelf down a dB or two as well, starting around 2.5khz.

Drums, cut some 500hz from the overall drum buss, boost a little 250hz and 5khz
Compress to taste the whole drum bus a bit more.