I need some info on Karaboudjan


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I've never heard it and have some questions. I'd appreciate it if you could help.

1. When was it released and what label released it?
2. Is it still available anywhere online as an original copy?
3. Is it true that it is the same music as PTM without vocals except little weird voices?
4. If the latter, does Dan himself do them?
5. Is the music mostly keyboard enhanced and which of Dan's projects does it sound like the most?
6. Does anyone else except Dan play on it?
7. Is the EP self-titled or Sbrodj? If the latter, what does that mean?
8. Has Dan ever mentioned the reason why he did this project? I've read on several sites that the music on it is perhaps the weirdest music ever. Any particular reason for that?

Thanks in advance.
1. It was realeased on relapse, don't remember when, but during the second half of the 90s.
2. I bought it on sound pollution. You can buy it on www.relapse.com I think.
3. The music is PTM like yeah, kind of, no vocals, just samples from "tintin"
4. See 3.
5. There are keyboards. But there are just as much distorted bassguitars (sound like that at least, heh)
6. The book tells of many strange characters, but I think it is all Dan, maybe with a little addition from Dag (the solos are pretty dag-ish, but on the other hand, Dan plays an extremly dag-ish lead on Crimson II)
7. That is the title. Means nuthin.
8. He was kindo' dissapointed with what PTM had become, so he decided to do something good with the mad-vibe of that band.

Dan might wanna add some stuff.

And buy sbrodj, it rocks.
7. If you re-arrenge the letters you can create the word Brojds, which I'm sure about is slang for Chicks down there. He was obviously doing an attempt on getting female fans.
I couldn't get into Karaboudjan at all. I remember putting the CD up for auction on Ebay the same day that I received it in the mail! Just a little TOO fucking weird for my tastes. This and Godsend have been the only projects with Dan's name attached to it that I've never liked...
6. If I remember it correctly, Dan did everything but lead guitars (Dag) and saxes (Dag and Patrik Selsfors?). Not 100 perc sure though.
7. In the Tintin books, Sbrodj is a town in the Balkan country Syldavia whence the first manned flight to the moon was launched in the fifties.
Mezarkabul said:
I've never heard it and have some questions. I'd appreciate it if you could help.

1. When was it released and what label released it?

I recorded the basictracks back in 1996 at Unisound, finished it off at The Sanctuary. Can't remember dates because Relapse (They released it, yes) kept pushing the deadline. t wasn't until I started selling my homemade copies that they awoke and smelled the coffee...
2. Is it still available anywhere online as an original copy?
Try Relapse or some other internet mailorder
3. Is it true that it is the same music as PTM without vocals except little weird voices?
Yep. It's very PTM-ish.
4. If the latter, does Dan himself do them?
I play drums, distorted bass och keyboards. Dag play leads and saxophones, Dr. Dark some some additional saxophones aswell.

7. Is the EP self-titled or Sbrodj? If the latter, what does that mean?
Sbrodj is a place in Tintins journey to moon book
8. Has Dan ever mentioned the reason why he did this project? I've read on several sites that the music on it is perhaps the weirdest music ever. Any particular reason for that?
I just felt lke making weird music!!!!

Thanks in advance.
Only Human said:
I just won a copy on ebay for $5.00. From the sample I heard of it, it sounds incredible. I love weird music!

It is, one of the wierdest pieces in my considerable collection. If you loved PTM or Mr. Bungle you can definately appreciate Karaboudjan. And as a kid i grew up on the Tintin comics so I just love that someone recorded an album inspired by it.
Question for people who say they like "weird" music, or anyone who owns any stuff even remotely similar to Karaboudjan: which bands, which albums? And how weird is weird?
Light said:
Question for people who say they like "weird" music, or anyone who owns any stuff even remotely similar to Karaboudjan: which bands, which albums? And how weird is weird?
Wierd stuff is really beyond my pathetic abilities to describe

Mr. Bungle, the self titled and Disco Volante especially. Pretty much anything that Mike Patton touches.

Pan-Thy-Monium: any, my personal fav is the last one

Fleurety-Department of Apocalyptic Affairs

Cathedral-Hopkins and Cosmic Requiem EPS, they experiment more on these EPS than they do on their full lengths. Check out the songs Voyage of the Homeless Sapian (23 Minutes, really wierd) and The Devil's Summit (like a mix of Stoner rock and jazz)

Pungent Stench-the last album they did before the broke up/reunited (I think it was Club Mondo Bizzare, I'm not sure) has some weird stuff on it.

Macabre-Dhamer on some songs they mix traditional songs and give it the old Macabre-twist (example In The Army Now tells of Jeffry Dhamer's brief army days to the tune of When Johnny Comes Marching Home, another tune is called Jeffery Dhamer and the Chocolate Factory, I'll let your imagination deal with that one :D:)

if you like experimental black metal I suggest DHG aka Dodheimsgard, Aborym, newer Thorns.

Esoteric: If you're really looking to fuck yourself up, I suggest this band. I think they are the most extreme band on the planet. Slow dirges, this music is pure torture, literally.

Abruptum: Noise/Black Metal. Again if you're into self-sadism by listening to music, you owe it to yourself to listen to them.

thats all For now that I can think of, I'm sure more bands will pop into my mind eventually. Hope it helps
diabolical vengeance said:
Pungent Stench-the last album they did before the broke up/reunited (I think it was Club Mondo Bizzare, I'm not sure) has some weird stuff on it.
Yes it was Club Mondo Bizarre. It contains really bizarre groovy "death" metal, but nothing weird. IMO. And the new Masters of Moral - Servants of Sin is worthy to check out.
It came in today. Whoa, it is very, very weird. Sounds very much like Pan-Thy-Monium, but more insane. For some reason, I find the steel drums part hilarious, but cool, since it works, and doesn't seem completely out of place. The production is really good; it gives a feeling of a gigantic space...very expansive.:hypno:

I give it two horns up! :rock: :rock:
Karabourjan is great. I loved pan-thy-monium and was glad that Dan found a way of continuing in that style. I hope he makes a full length one day (there was talk about it on his website at one point). Either that or find a way of reforming Pan-thy-monium. Lol, or how about a Dag solo album of just sax solos!
"Karaboudjan" is the name of a ship in a Tintin comic book (where he meets Captain Haddock). The Sbrodj place already explained is depicted as a quite gloomy complex full of strange devices. All the credits given are characters from Tintin books, I'm thrilled :grin: